Chat with us, powered by LiveChat Your company has just hired your foreign friend to work in a middle-management position. As a new manager, she is interested in coaching her staff through their careers. Since you have li - Writingforyou

Your company has just hired your foreign friend to work in a middle-management position. As a new manager, she is interested in coaching her staff through their careers. Since you have li

Your company has just hired your foreign friend to work in a middle-management position. As a new manager, she is interested in coaching her staff through their careers. Since you have lived in the United States for many years, your friend believes that you understand job coaching for a traditional American company. She wants to work with you and has many questions—some of which concern the manner in which cultural nuances related to religious customs, verbal and nonverbal communication, and so on may affect leadership roles


Write a 5–7 page paper in which you:

  1. Recommend whether your friend should assume the role of a job coach as soon as she begins her new position or wait until she has been a part of the company for a certain amount of time. Provide a rationale for your response.
  2. Determine two conflicts that could possibly arise as a result of asking people to work on days of religious significance. Propose concrete solutions for these two possible conflicts.
  3. Determine whether cultural factors could restrain the foreign manager from expressing his or her ideas readily. Provide a rationale for your response.
  4. Determine two actions that you can take in order to prepare yourself and your friend to become multicultural leaders. Provide two examples to support your response.
  5. Predict two major conflicts that may arise out of nonverbal communication misunderstandings (for example, words misinterpreted, hand gestures, looks, shoulder shrugs, names of objects). Suggest two actions that your friend could take in order to defuse these types of misunderstandings and thus make the workplace more harmonious. Justify your response.
  6. Use at least five quality academic resources in this assignment. Note: Wikipedia does not qualify as an academic resource.

This course requires the use of Strayer Writing Standards. For assistance and information, please refer to the Strayer Writing Standards link in the left-hand menu of your course. Check with your professor for any additional instructions.The specific course learning outcome associated with this assignment is:

  • Determine how cultural nuances such as religious customs and nonverbal communication could impact leadership effectiveness.

Cultural nuances such as religious customs and nonverbal communication could impact leadership effectiveness.


It’s easy to assume that cultures are all similar. But in reality, each group of people has its own customs and traditions, which can make them seem foreign at times. This is especially true when you’re trying to communicate with them over an international border or across a company’s internal walls. In this post, we’ll explore how leaders can be effective in dealing with cultural nuances such as religious customs and nonverbal communication.

Religious values are important in a culture

Religion is an important part of many cultures. Religion plays an important role in the lives of people in those cultures, and it can be used as a tool for leadership effectiveness. Religious values are not as critical to some cultures, but they still have their place.

In some societies, religion plays a powerful role in shaping how people act and interact with each other; this has been demonstrated by studies on social psychology (see, e.g., Whitbeck & Sidanius). In other societies where religiosity is less prevalent, such as China or Japan (which do not have official state religions), interpersonal interactions tend not be influenced by religious beliefs because there are no mandated behaviors associated with them—they simply aren’t relevant for everyday life outside church services or cultural celebrations such as weddings or funerals

Communicating nonverbally can be an important part of communicating with a team.

  • Nonverbal communication is a critical part of understanding foreign cultures.

  • Nonverbal communication can be misinterpreted.

  • Nonverbal communication affects team dynamics and outcomes, including employee engagement and performance.

  • Some examples of nonverbal cues that are important to consider when communicating with a team include: facial expressions (e.g., smiling), body language (e.g., leaning in) and gestures (e.g., pointing).

Religion plays an important role in some cultures.

Religion plays an important role in some cultures. In other cultures, religion is not important or may even be seen as a source of conflict. For example, some people in the United States may feel uncomfortable when discussing religion with their co-workers as it can lead to disagreements about how much time should be spent on religious matters at work (e.g., prayer breaks). However, other cultures have no problem discussing religion with their coworkers or superiors because they feel that this type of discussion helps build unity within teams or organizations and allows individuals to work together better since everyone knows what others believe about certain topics.

Nonverbal communication is a critical part of understanding foreign cultures.

Nonverbal communication is a critical part of understanding foreign cultures. It’s important to recognize the differences in nonverbal cues between your own culture and another one, as well as the types of nonverbal cues that can be used for particular purposes within your own culture.

For example, if you’re trying to communicate with someone from another country who doesn’t speak English (or doesn’t speak it well), it’s important that you learn how they express themselves through body language. There are many different ways people use their bodies while speaking—for example, shaking their heads up and down while saying yes or shaking their head sideways while saying no—and these movements can mean different things depending on what message is being communicated.

In addition to learning about these types of verbal-nonverbal interactions during training courses like our Leadership Development Program or Professional Certification Program here at CCHS/University College London School of Management Studies & Business Administration , we also recommend watching videos online about cultural differences between countries such as China vs Japan; Brazil vs Russia ; France vs Germany ; India vs America .

It’s important for a leader to recognize these things to be effective

It’s important for a leader to recognize these things to be effective. It is not enough just to know how different cultures work, but also what they believe in and how they express themselves. In some cultures, religion is central to daily life; in others it might not be so important. Nonverbal communication can also play a big role in determining effectiveness: if you don’t understand nonverbal cues like nodding or smiling at someone while they’re speaking with you (and vice versa), then it’s likely that your ideas won’t get across effectively when communicating face-to-face or over email!


Understanding the cultural nuances of a team can be an important step toward leading them effectively. It’s also important to recognize that nonverbal communication plays a critical role in understanding foreign cultures and how different values affect leadership effectiveness across borders.