Chat with us, powered by LiveChat Identify what parts of the body would be considered series and what parts would be considered parallel. There ?are a few parts of the body that I would consider parallel even though ?most - Writingforyou

Identify what parts of the body would be considered series and what parts would be considered parallel. There ?are a few parts of the body that I would consider parallel even though ?most

  • Identify what parts of the body would be considered series and what parts would be considered parallel.
    There  are a few parts of the body that I would consider parallel even though  most of the body is series. Most of the body is a series circuit but  certain organs I would consider parallels. Organs like the kidneys and  the lungs are parallels because they work in parallels. These organs  work at the same time and do the same job. those are some of the only  parts of the body I would consider parallels.
  • Discuss how the series and parallel systems function together as a series-parallel circuit in your analogy.
    while  the organs are the parallel circuits the blood paths are the series  circuits. The blood starts at the heart and gets sent throughout the  body and back to the heart. The blood also goes to the organs in order  to allow them to go through the process that they need to do. As the  blood also goes through the organ it continues on until the veins turn  around and bring the blood back to the heart.
  • Explain how electricity can travel through the body using a  series-parallel electrical model. How does this relate to touch, step,  and step-touch potential?
    touch something that is electrified  and the current flow from your hand to the middle of your body which is  series and down through your legs which is a parallel, this is touch  potential. Step on an electrified object and do not touch anything else,  the current would flow from one foot and down the other foot, this is  step potential. 
  • Finally, Discuss the loading effect of a voltmeter on a circuit. How  does the voltmeter’s internal resistance affect the loading effect?
    The  loading effect on a voltmeter does not really effect lower resistance  circuits and only effect higher resistance circuits. there is no  difference on low resistance circuits but with higher resistance  circuits it lowers the voltage for that part of the circuit showing a  lower voltage.

    Electrical Deck. (n.d.). Sensitivity of Voltmeter and Loading Effect of Voltmeter. Electrical Deck – All about Electrical & Electronics. Retrieved October 26, 2022, from


Explain how electricity can travel through the body using a  series-parallel electrical model. How does this relate to touch, step,  and step-touch potential?


When you turn on a light, the circuit includes a switch and an electric motor. The switch completes when it is turned on, but does not complete again until after it has been turned off at least once. This means that the circuit can’t complete until power flows through both ends of the switch and then returns back through each end again before completing the circuit. Given this information about how electricity travels though circuits (and how we can measure how much current flows through them), let’s look at two examples:

A circuit must be complete in order for electricity to flow through it.

A circuit is a closed loop path of conductors. Electricity flows through a circuit when it is complete, meaning that there are no breaks in the circuit’s conducting elements (e.g., wires). Circuits can be simple or complex; for example, if you have two wires connected by an electrical switch, then this would be considered a simple circuit because there would be no break in its conducting elements during normal operation. However if you had three wires connected together and one of them was broken (e.g., by cutting it), then this would also constitute an open circuit because there would be at least one break somewhere along its length—and thus no way for current to flow through that particular section(s).

A circuit can contain 1 or more component(s).

A circuit is a closed loop. A circuit can contain 1 or more component(s). A component is the smallest part of a circuit and it can be either a wire, resistor, capacitor or other component.

If a component is connected end to end, the components are said to be connected in series.

Series resistors have the same resistance value and are connected end-to-end.

In this case, all of the current travels through each resistor before it reaches its terminal. In other words, resistors in series have an internal connection between them so that there’s no way for one resistor to affect another except through its own terminals (see Figure 1).

If a component is connected side by side, the components are said to be connected in parallel.

In a parallel circuit, the current through each component is the same. The voltage across each component is also equal. Parallel circuits have a total resistance of zero because they are all connected in series with each other and therefore share their resistance from one end to another.

If you have two resistors in a series connection, then you will have one resistor for every two leads going into that section of your circuit (or “section”). For example, if there were three resistors in parallel with each other: R1+R2+R3 or R1 + R 2 + R 3 , then we can calculate how much power they’re dissipating based on their value and how many feet we’ve run them down our power cable:

P = W/(l) = V/l(D/2) = V2/(D/2)(λ)

When all of the component(s) have the same resistance value, it does not matter if they are connected in series or parallel. The total resistance of the circuit is simply equal to the sum of the component resistances multiplied by the number of components. For example: 3 resistors with resistance 10 ohms each will have a total resistance of 30 ohms whether they are connected in series or parallel.

The total impedance (Z) is calculated as follows:

Z = R s + jX L + K s – jX C

When some of the component(s) have different resistance values, connecting them in a series will produce a larger total resistance than connecting them in parallel .

When some of the component(s) have different resistance values, connecting them in a series will produce a larger total resistance than connecting them in parallel .

When you are wiring up your circuit and trying to figure out how electricity should flow through it, there are two main ways that you can go about doing this: either by using Ohm’s Law or Kirchhoff’s Laws. Both can be used when building circuits, but they each have their own pros and cons. In this section we will discuss what these laws are and how they work together in order to help us understand which way is better for building our electrical systems!

If you know how electricity flows through a given circuit, you will know which components to connect with each other and how they should be positioned within that circuit.

In this section, we will cover the following topics:

  • How electricity can travel through a circuit.

  • The different components of a series and parallel connection.


In conclusion, electricity can travel through the body using a series-parallel electrical model. This model is used in medical devices and other electronics because it allows for better control over how much current flows through each component in a given circuit. If you want to learn more about this topic or how electricity shapes our world, check out our blog post on “Electricity 101”!