Chat with us, powered by LiveChat Your instructors will post 10 data values to use for this lab. The data values represent the HEIGHTS of 10 people. This data set is posted in the FILES area, in the ?Lab Files? folder. (NOTE - Writingforyou

Your instructors will post 10 data values to use for this lab. The data values represent the HEIGHTS of 10 people. This data set is posted in the FILES area, in the ?Lab Files? folder. (NOTE


Your instructors will post 10 data values to use for this lab. The data values represent the HEIGHTS of 10 people. This data set is posted in the FILES area, in the “Lab Files” folder. (NOTE: This is NOT the data used in the lab video, which is about midterm grades. Do not use the midterm grades data.)

1a. Gather 10 MORE heights on your own to add to the 10 provided by your instructor. Do the following: Survey or measure 10 people to find their heights. Determine the mean and standard deviation for the 20 values by using the Week 3 Excel spreadsheet. (Round statistics to two decimals.

Sample mean =  

Sample standard deviation =  

1b. Post a screen shot in the space BELOW of the portion of the spreadsheet that helped you determine these values. The screenshot should show ALL 20 pieces of data. Make sure the instructor data is listed first and then your data is listed under.


  • attachment

  • attachment

  • attachment

  • attachment




Please use this template to help answer the questions listed in the lab instructions. The “steps” below refer to the steps listed in the lab instructions. Type your answers and post your screenshots in the spaces given below. Then, save this document with your name and submit it inside the courseroom.



Step 1. Gather Data


Your instructors will post 10 data values to use for this lab. The data values represent the HEIGHTS of 10 people. This data set is posted in the FILES area, in the “Lab Files” folder. ( NOTE: This is NOT the data used in the lab video, which is about midterm grades. Do not use the midterm grades data.)


1a. Gather 10 MORE heights on your own to add to the 10 provided by your instructor. Do the following: Survey or measure 10 people to find their heights. Determine the mean and standard deviation for the 20 values by using the Week 3 Excel spreadsheet. ( Round statistics to two decimals. )


Sample mean =


Sample standard deviation =




1b. Post a screen shot in the space BELOW of the portion of the spreadsheet that helped you determine these values. The screenshot should show ALL 20 pieces of data. Make sure the instructor data is listed first and then your data is listed under.



(post screenshot here… delete this line before submitting report)







1c. Answer the following two questions. Use at least two sentences to answer each question.


How does your height compare to the mean (average) height of the 20 values? Is your height taller, shorter, or the same as the mean of the sample?










Step 2. Data Characteristics


Answer the following questions to give some background information on the group of people you used in your study. Write at least two sentences for each question.


1. How did you choose the participants for your study? What was the sampling method: systematic, convenience, cluster, stratified, simple random?








2. What part of the country did your study take place in?





3. What are the age ranges of your participants?






4. How many of each gender did you have in your study?







5. What are other interesting factors about your group?









Step 3. Data Analysis


Answer the following questions. Use the Week 5 Excel spreadsheets to help analyze the data.


Empirical Rule


1. Determine the 68%, 95%, and 99.7% values of the Empirical Rule in terms of the 20 heights in your height study. (Use the Empirical Rule tab from the spreadsheet).


(post screenshot here… delete this line before submitting report)









2. What do these values tell you? (Write at least one paragraph.)








Normal Distribution


3. Based on your study results, what percent of the study participants are shorter than you? What percent are taller than you? ( Use the normal probability tab from the spreadsheet ).




4. Post a screen shot of the normal distribution from the Week 5 Excel spreadsheet to support your answer above..




(post screenshot here… delete this line before submitting report)













Step 4. Save and submit this document


Be sure your name is on the Word document, save it, and then submit it. In the assignment module, click “start assignment” and then “upload file” and “submit assignment”.



Enter the data in the blue highlighted area and the results will show in the yellow highlighted area.
  1   Mean 3.7500
  1   Median 3.0000
  2   Mode 1.0000 2 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A (Returns more than one mode)
  2   Sample Variance 7.9286
  4   Sample Standard Deviation 2.8158
  5   Population Variance 6.9375
  6   Population Standard Deviation 2.6339         To find boundary for outliers
  9   Range 8.0000
      Count (n) 8.0000         1.5 IQR 6
      Min 1.0000       Lower boundary Q1-1.5IQR -4.5000
      Quartile 1 1.5000       Upper boundary Q3+1.5IQR 11.5000
      Median 3.0000       Identify outliers in your given data set. If the data is not between the lower and upper boundary then it is an outlier
      Quartile3 5.5000
      Max 9.0000
      Interquartile Range (IQR) 4.0000



Heights (in)



Enter the data in the blue highlighted area and the results will show in the yellow highlighted area.
  1   Mean 3.7500
  1   Median 3.0000
  2   Mode 1.0000 2 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A (Returns more than one mode)
  2   Sample Variance 7.9286
  4   Sample Standard Deviation 2.8158
  5   Population Variance 6.9375
  6   Population Standard Deviation 2.6339         To find boundary for outliers
  9   Range 8.0000
      Count (n) 8.0000         1.5 IQR 6
      Min 1.0000       Lower boundary Q1-1.5IQR -4.5000
      Quartile 1 1.5000       Upper boundary Q3+1.5IQR 11.5000
      Median 3.0000       Identify outliers in your given data set. If the data is not between the lower and upper boundary then it is an outlier
      Quartile3 5.5000
      Max 9.0000
      Interquartile Range (IQR) 4.0000


1a. Gather 10 MORE heights on your own to add to the 10 provided by your instructor. Do the following: Survey or measure 10 people to find their heights. Determine the mean and standard deviation for the 20 values by using the Week 3 Excel spreadsheet. (Round statistics to two decimals.)


In this week, we will continue with our data analysis by looking at the mean and standard deviation for our data set. The mean is 5’5″ and the standard deviation is 4 inches.

1a. Gather 10 MORE heights on your own to add to the 10 provided by your instructor. Do the following: Survey or measure 10 people to find their heights.

To measure a person’s height, you can use any of the following methods:

A ruler or measuring tape. This is the most basic method and it’s good to begin with because it allows you to get an idea of how much space there is between people. If you’re using a ruler or measuring tape, make sure that your arms are straight and parallel; otherwise, this will yield incorrect results (your friend may not be as tall as you thought).

A scale. Scales are great for weighing objects like food or medicine bottles—but what if we wanted to measure heights? Well then we’d need something else… like this!

Determine the mean and standard deviation for the 20 values by using the Week 3 Excel spreadsheet. (Round statistics to two decimals.)

Now that you’ve collected your data, it’s time to calculate the mean and standard deviation for the 20 values. To do this, follow these steps:

Open the Week 3 Excel spreadsheet and look at column A. It will contain a list of 20 heights in increments from 1 to 5 feet (for example, height 1 = 5 feet). These numbers represent how many people have each height value on average (in this case, 10 people per group). If a person has two different heights in their group—say one person had 2 feet for their first measurement and 3 feet for their second measurement—they would appear twice in column A because they are counted once as one member of each group (2/5=0; 3/5=1).

Next, look at column B where you’ll see another set of numbers arranged according to standard deviation (i.e., how much off from the mean each value is). This represents how much variation there is between individual measurements taken by different people who measured themselves during this exercise!

The mean is 5’5″ and the standard deviation is 4 inches

The mean is 5’5″ and the standard deviation is 4 inches.

The mean of your sample data is 5’4″, but you’d like to know what it would be for all 20 people in your class if they were all at their respective heights (5’6″). So, what’s an easy way to find out? Just use Excel! Take a look at this spreadsheet:

Select cells A1 through A20, then click on “Data” and then “Average” (or press Ctrl+A).

In cell B1 enter =mean(range$A1:G20)


Hopefully, you’ve enjoyed this exercise as much as we have. We hope that it has been useful in helping you gather some more data, and that you can use it to improve your own work. Remember that Excel is a powerful tool, and while it can be tricky to learn how best to use it, there are many resources available online if you need more guidance on how best practice works with spreadsheets. Good luck!