Chat with us, powered by LiveChat World religion will consider the similarities between Christianity and other world religions such as Hinduism, Buddhism, Mormonism, Islam, Bahai, Judaism, or Taoism. It will seek to answer the qu - Writingforyou

World religion will consider the similarities between Christianity and other world religions such as Hinduism, Buddhism, Mormonism, Islam, Bahai, Judaism, or Taoism. It will seek to answer the qu

  a world religion will consider the similarities between Christianity and other world religions such as Hinduism, Buddhism, Mormonism, Islam, Baha’i, Judaism, or Taoism. It will seek to answer the question of whether the similarities are significant or not.  It will include a biography of the person who started the religion, an overview of their teachings, how those teachings are similar to and different from Christianity, and an explanation of whether the similarities and differences affect whether both religions could be true.

You should contain at least one resource per page. Online resources are allowed but should be balanced with hard-copy sources.  

Required Texts and Materials:

Chatraw, Joshua D., and Karen Swallow Prior. (2019) Cultural Engagement: A Crash Course in Contemporary Issues. Grand Rapids: Zondervan Academic.

Niebuhr, H. Richard. (2001). Christ and Culture. New York: Harper and Row.

Hexam, Irving. (2019) Encountering World Religions: A Christian Introduction. Grand Rapids: Zondervan Academic.


a world religion will consider the similarities between Christianity and other world religions such as Hinduism, Buddhism, Mormonism, Islam, Baha’i, Judaism, or Taoism.


We all have our own beliefs about God and what He has done in the world, but do you know how similar your religion is to others? For example, if Christianity is considered one of the major world religions, then does it consider Hinduism or Buddhism as a sister religion that shares many similarities with its belief system? The answer is yes!

The major world religions and their beliefs about God.




In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. In Genesis 1:1, we read that God made all things by speaking them into existence with His Word (Genesis 1:3). These words were spoken from His mouth, which is why they are called “the word of God” (Isaiah 55:10).

The Bible tells us that there was no time before creation when miracles did not happen—no darkness existed in a void without light or heat without cold; neither did evil exist as a separate entity from good (Romans 5:12-14). In fact, throughout history people have been able to see evidence of these great events taking place around them!

Hinduism, New Age Spirituality, Buddhism, Islam, and Christianity.

The religion of Hinduism is not a monotheistic religion. It is a polytheistic religion with many gods, but one supreme god called Brahman. The Hindus believe that each person has a soul that lives on after death and then goes to heaven or hell depending on his/her actions while alive. Hindus do not have a central authority that they follow; rather they follow the teachings of their ancestors who lived before them.

The Hindu people do not write down anything because they don’t need it; everything in their lives comes from memory and experience alone!

In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.

God is the Creator of the universe, and all things were made by Him. He created man in His image, to rule over the earth. The Garden of Eden was situated near the east side of Mount Hermon, in what is now known as Syria or Lebanon.

God created man to rule over everything on earth and so it was fitting that he should have dominion over this garden which reminded him of his own glory when he dwelt with his Maker before time began (Genesis 1:1).

God Examined.

God is the Creator of all things. He is the source of all life, love and peace. He is also the source of joy and comfort for those who seek His will for their lives.

God has always been there for us in our darkest moments as well as our brightest ones; when we need Him most, He always comes through with grace and mercy on His people (Romans 8:28). When we pray sincerely to God asking Him to provide us with strength in times of weakness or distress, He never fails us!

When someone says “I don’t believe in god”, I say “why not?” Why would anyone choose not to believe something that provides such comfort? The truth is there are many different types of gods out there but only one true creator exists–God Himself!

The best proof of an intelligent Creator is found in the Bible’s scientific statements and predictions that have been fulfilled over time.

The Bible is the ultimate source of truth. It is the only book that has been proven to be true by science, history and archeology. This makes it the most authoritative source for any person interested in learning about God’s love for them or wanting to know how Christians should live their lives.

The Bible also contains many scientific statements that were written thousands of years ago but have since been proven correct by modern science (for example: Noah built an ark). In addition, some prophecies from Scripture have been realized in human history (such as Jesus coming back before His second coming).

Christianity has always preached a personal and all-knowing God who existed before time began.

Christianity is a monotheistic religion, which means it believes in one God who created the universe. The Bible tells us that God is a personal being who not only created our world but also cares about each and every person on earth. He loves us enough to send His son Jesus Christ to die for our sins so that we can be saved from eternal damnation (1 John 2:2).

Jesus’ death was necessary because without it there would be no way for anyone–including non-Christians–to have forgiveness from their sins (Romans 5:6). Therefore, all people should recognize their need for salvation through faith in Christ alone!

Most followers of Hinduism believe in an impersonal, unknowable god.

Hinduism is a religion that originated in India, and it is the third largest religion in the world. Hindus believe that there is one supreme being who is the creator of all things.

Hindus worship many gods or goddesses, but they do not have a godhead like other religions such as Christianity or Islam have. Instead of having one god, Hinduism has many gods who represent different aspects of life on earth: Brahma represents creation; Vishnu represents preservation; Shiva represents destruction; Saraswati (also known as Lakshmi) represents knowledge; Ganesha brings luck to people who follow him closely enough (he’s also known as Ganapati); Parvati helps women find husbands through her power over love relationships while remaining faithful herself–she’s known as Durga because she does this with weapons!

Because of Buddhism’s pantheistic nature–the belief that everything is part of a single impersonal reality–it does not have a personal creator god who exists outside the universe.

Buddhism is a religion that originated in India around 500 BC. It teaches that the universe is eternal and impersonal, with no God or soul. Buddhism’s pantheistic nature–the belief that everything is part of a single impersonal reality–makes it different from other religions like Christianity, which believe in a personal creator god who exists outside the universe.

Islam teaches that Allah is not a Christian creator-God who has revealed Himself in His Word.

Islam teaches that Allah is not a Christian God who has revealed Himself in His Word. Allah is an impersonal being who reacts to his creation as to whether they worship him completely or not. The word “Allah” means “the god” or simply the “deity” and does not refer to any specific personage, either in human form (as Yahweh) or in its divine attribute (as Brahma).

Through Muhammad, Allah made him self known as an impersonal being who reacts to his creation as to whether they worship him completely or not.

The founder of Islam was Muhammad, who came to be known as Allah’s messenger. Allah is the one true God and creator of all things, including humans. There is no trinity in Islam; there are only three gods: Allah, who created everything with his word; his prophet Muhammad (who brought them knowledge), and their messenger Abraham (who showed them how to be good people).

Muhammad did not have a physical body like Jesus does in Christianity or Buddha does in Buddhism; instead he appeared to people as an angel with no arms or legs but wings on his back and a crown on his head. When he needed food or water he called out “Here I am! Here I am!”

All religions have similarities from pantheistic to monotheistic variations or stresses on contradictions between good and evil nature of the world or its creation .

All religions have similarities from pantheistic to monotheistic variations or stresses on contradictions between good and evil nature of the world or its creation .

All religions are based on a belief in a deity or deities.

All religions have moral codes that followers follow.

All religions have a set of beliefs about the world, such as how it was created by gods and what happens after death (or whether there is an afterlife).


We hope you enjoyed learning about the similarities between Christianity and other world religions. You can also learn more about their beliefs by visiting our website, reading books on Amazon or other places that sell them, or just watching YouTube videos.