Chat with us, powered by LiveChat What are the current diagnostic methods used to detect the disorder and how is it treated? ?What does the treatment do to the disease-causing agent? ?Does early detection affect the treatmen - Writingforyou

What are the current diagnostic methods used to detect the disorder and how is it treated? ?What does the treatment do to the disease-causing agent? ?Does early detection affect the treatmen

one written assignment on any human disorder or disease you may choose.  It can be a disorder that is of interest to you, or it may be one that has inflicted a loved one.  You are free to choose what you like.  It is okay to insert illustrations into your paper if you think they will help, but you need to explain them.   Please do not attach them to the end of the report. Do not use them for filler! 

Do not write in the first person and use good grammar and sentence structure.  SHOULD BE AT LEAST 3 PAGES.



. Your paper should include the following information, if possible.
1) Provide a brief history of the disorder. When was it first diagnosed and by whom?

2) What are the symptoms?  What do the disease-causing agents do to cause those
symptoms?  You must address the biology (physiological, cellular, or molecular) of the
disorder.  Failure to do so will result in a significant deduct.

3) What are the current diagnostic methods used to detect the disorder and how is it
treated?  What does the treatment do to the disease-causing agent?  Does early
detection affect the treatments applied?  Again, address the biology here.  Exactly
how the disease-causing agent is affected by the treatment.

4) What are the success rates of the treatment or the prognosis for recovery?

5) Is there any “cutting edge” research in progress that may improve the treatment of the
disorder in the future? 

6) Bibliography -ANY FORMAT YOU CHOOSE.

You must cite 2-3 sources for this paper.  It is okay to use internet sources as long as
the URLs are .edu, .gov, or .org.  If you have to use .com websites, make sure they are
legitimate..  Make sure the reader can easily trace the location of your sources should
they want to investigate them directly.



Is there any “cutting edge” research in progress that may improve the treatment of the disorder in the future?


Parkinson’s disease (PD) is a progressive neurological disorder that affects the brain and nervous system. People with PD gradually lose their ability to move, speak, eat and sleep properly. There is no cure for this disease, but there are treatments that can relieve some symptoms. Research is vital to develop therapies in the future so we can help people suffering from this illness live longer, happier lives than they could before they were diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease or another movement disorder like it.

Many studies are currently investigating the causes of PD and factors which influence disease progression.

Research is a crucial part of any treatment plan for PD. Understanding the causes of the disease and how it progresses is key to developing new treatments, which can help improve the quality of life for people with this condition. Many studies are currently investigating the causes of PD and factors which influence disease progression.

For example, one study looked at brain imaging data from patients with mild to moderate symptoms who were being treated with medication or lifestyle changes alone (i.e., no other therapies). The researchers found that they could predict whether these patients would have a relapse within two years by looking at changes in specific areas on brain scans over time.[4] They also found that people who had more severe symptoms tended to experience more frequent relapses.[5]

Others aim to establish new therapies for the treatment of PD, for example by targeting inflammation, or promoting regeneration of damaged neurons.

The development of new therapies for PD is hindered by the lack of knowledge about how the disease works. One promising avenue involves the discovery that inflammation may play a role in PD, and new approaches to target this process could help improve treatment outcomes.

Inflammation is an important feature of Parkinson’s disease (PD). Inflammation occurs when your body fights off foreign invaders like bacteria or viruses, but it can also occur when your own body reacts to injury or damage caused by another person or animal. In fact, many scientists believe that inflammation plays a key role in causing some forms of neurodegenerative disorders like Parkinson’s disease because it helps clear away dead tissue after damage has occurred—a process called “synaptic pruning”—and provides nutrients needed for repair work done by neurons themselves during this time period.*

Research is vital to develop therapies in the future.

Research is vital to develop therapies in the future. It’s important that there is research being done on this topic so we can find out what causes diseases, how they affect people, and how they can be treated.

Research can take place anywhere, but labs are often used because they provide a controlled environment where scientists can do experiments with animals or humans without having too many outside variables affecting them (like climate).


This is just the beginning of our research. We are excited to see what insights we can gain from these studies in the coming years.