Chat with us, powered by LiveChat The Ethisphere Institute ( every year publishes a list of the worlds most ethical companies.? Check this years list and choose one of the companies to investigate.? ?? ? ? ?Accordi - Writingforyou

The Ethisphere Institute ( every year publishes a list of the worlds most ethical companies.? Check this years list and choose one of the companies to investigate.? ?? ? ? ?Accordi

The Ethisphere Institute ( every year publishes a list of the world’s most ethical companies. 

·       Check this year’s list and choose one of the companies to investigate. 

·       According to the Ethisphere Institute, what makes your chosen company one of the world’s most ethical companies? 

·       Do you agree or disagree with this assessment?  Be sure to answer this question.

     Include references in APA format at the end of your slide presentation.


· According to the Ethisphere Institute, what makes your chosen company one of the world’s most ethical companies?


According to the Ethisphere Institute, what makes your chosen company one of the world’s most ethical companies?

· According to the Ethisphere Institute, what makes your chosen company one of the world’s most ethical companies?

The company has a strong commitment to ethics, compliance and integrity. It also has a strong commitment to corporate governance.

The Ethisphere Institute is an independent organization that scores companies on their ethical standards in 10 different categories: customer service; workplace health & safety; sustainability; financial management; leadership practices (including gender diversity); supplier engagement; supply chain transparency/robustness/responsiveness; supplier diversity & inclusion/fairness in hiring practices and community relations among others.


We hope this article has given you some insight on what makes a company ethical. If you have any questions about Ethisphere, or would like to learn more about how it can help your company be more ethical, please contact us at [email protected]