Chat with us, powered by LiveChat Perform a gait analysis of the following videos. Videos: Toddler: (7) 15MotorGait Toddlers Gait – YouTube? Adult: To complete this assignment, use anatomical te - Writingforyou

Perform a gait analysis of the following videos. Videos: Toddler: (7) 15MotorGait Toddlers Gait – YouTube? Adult: To complete this assignment, use anatomical te

  Perform a gait analysis of the following videos.


Toddler: (7) 15MotorGait Toddlers Gait – YouTube 


To complete this assignment, use anatomical terminology and the knowledge you’ve gained from this course to describe how the toddler differs from the adult in each of the gait phases below

  • Base of support:
  • Stride length:
  • Arm swing:
  • Initial contact/loading response:
  • Mid stance:
  • Terminal stance:
  • Pre-swing/Initial swing:
  • Initial Swing/Mid swing:
  • Late Mid swing/Terminal swing:

All written submissions should reflect professionalism in grammar, spelling, writing style/format (one-inch margins, double spaced, typed in 12-point Times New Roman font), include APA citations when appropriate, an appropriate title page, and be uploaded as .doc or .docx document. At least two scholarly resources should be used and properly cited. 

The following video may help you understand the gait phases.

Watch VideoGait Cycle & Gait AnalysisDuration: 5:27
User: n/a – Added: 9/20/15 


gait analysis


Gait analysis is a method for assessing and evaluating body movement and how this affects the quality of someone’s walk or run. It involves observing, measuring and recording the way a person moves when walking at different speeds or under different conditions.

The three types of gait analysis are observational, clinical and mechanical.

The three types of gait analysis are observational, clinical and mechanical.

Observational gait analysis is the most common type of gait analysis used in sports medicine, as it does not require any special equipment or training to perform. This type of assessment involves observing an individual walking on a treadmill and recording the movements they make during their walk with a stopwatch or other device.

There are a number of reasons why gait analysis might be conducted including:

There are a number of reasons why gait analysis might be conducted including:

Diagnosis of a problem. For example, if you have been diagnosed with a joint injury or other musculoskeletal condition that affects your ability to walk and run well, gait analysis can help identify the source of the problem so that it can be treated appropriately.

Assessment of injury or damage to the musculoskeletal system (e.g., ankle sprain). Gait analysis can also be used as part of an assessment process when evaluating patients who have sustained an injury to their feet/ankles, knees/tibias, hips/thighs etc., during sport participation such as soccer players whose injuries result from sudden trauma while running at full speed downfield; basketball players who sustain acute anterior cruciate ligament tears after landing awkwardly after jumping off two feet; tennis players whose knees buckle under impact from above-the-knee shots struck by opponents who wear heavier shoes than those worn by their partners’ opponents – these athletes may need special attention before returning back into action without further damage occurring during play sessions where two bodies collide together violently against each other on hard surfaces like concrete pavements covered with gravel which absorbs shock waves faster than softer materials like grass courtside courtside where balls bounce freely around uneven surfaces like sandcastles rolling uphill against gravity until they reach shorelines where they break apart into tiny pieces due  to friction generated while travelling across landmasses

for diagnosis,

Gait analysis is used to diagnose gait problems. It is important for treatment because it allows the doctor to know what treatment to give. For example, if you have a problem with your knees and ankles, then your gait has changed so much that it affects how well you walk and run. The diagnosis of the problem may be done by measuring the length of time that it takes someone with normal walking abilities (or faster) than a person who has had knee surgery on both knees together or separately; these measurements are called “walking speed” and “running speed” respectively.

to assess injury or damage to the musculoskeletal system,

Gait analysis is the process of assessing and recording a person’s gait. It can be used to assess the way someone walks, for example, whether they have a limp or require assistance with walking. Gait analysis may also be used as part of clinical trials involving patients who are looking for ways to improve their mobility or quality of life by providing treatment options.

to help plan an exercise or rehabilitation program,

Gait analysis can help you to plan an exercise or rehabilitation program, but it is not a substitute for an in-depth physical examination. Gait analysis is most useful when there is no history of injury or other medical conditions, such as arthritis. In this case, the practitioner will examine your walking pattern and consider the following:

What can be done about muscle weakness?

Does this person have any problems with balance?

or simply to improve performance in elite sporting events.

Gait analysis is a highly valuable tool that can be used to improve your performance in elite sporting events. Gait analysis can be used to identify areas of weakness, as well as areas of strength and imbalance.

Gait analysis is a method for assessing and evaluating body movement and how this affects the quality of someone’s walk or run. It involves observing, measuring and recording the way a person moves when walking at different speeds or under different conditions.

Gait analysis is a method for assessing and evaluating body movement and how this affects the quality of someone’s walk or run. It involves observing, measuring and recording the way a person moves when walking at different speeds or under different conditions.

The gait analyst will ask you to walk on a treadmill in order to measure your speed, stride length and step frequency (how many times you take each step).

They will also ask you to run on an incline or decline depending on what type of problem they are looking at.

Gait analysis is a method for assessing and evaluating body movement and how this affects the quality of someone’s walk or run.

Gait analysis is a method for assessing and evaluating body movement and how this affects the quality of someone’s walk or run. It also helps evaluate posture, balance, coordination skills, flexibility and strength in order to determine whether or not an individual has any limitations that may affect their ability to perform physically demanding tasks.

Gait analysts are trained professionals who have received specialized training in gait analysis techniques. They use special equipment such as motion capture software (which records your movements) or video cameras that capture images at different angles so they can see what’s happening during each step you take.


Gait analysis is a method for assessing and evaluating body movement and how this affects the quality of someone’s walk or run. It involves observing, measuring and recording the way a person moves when walking at different speeds or under different conditions.