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The Great Awakening was a reaction against religious control and help lay the foundation for the American War for independence

the Great Awakening was a reaction against religious control and help lay the foundation for the American War for independence.



the Great Awakening was a reaction against religious control and help lay the foundation for the American War for independence.


The Great Awakening, was an evangelical revival that swept the American colonies in the 1730s and 1740s, leaving a permanent impact on American religion.

The Great Awakening, was an evangelical revival that swept the American colonies in the 1730s and 1740s, leaving a permanent impact on American religion.

The Great Awakening was an evangelical revival that swept the American colonies in the 1730s and 1740s, leaving a permanent impact on American religion.

The Great Awakening began as a response to what was called “the period of darkness” following the death of George Whitefield in 1770. This term referred to how people felt after being exposed to Christianity for so long; they thought they knew everything there was to know about Jesus Christ and his teachings, so when someone showed them something new (like Jonathan Edwards), they rejected it because it didn’t fit with their existing views on faith or spirituality.

The revival came at a time when the idea of secular rationalism was being emphasized in European thought.

The Great Awakening was a reaction against religious control and helped lay the foundation for the American War for Independence.

The revival came at a time when the idea of secular rationalism was being emphasized in European thought.

The Great Awakening had profound effects on American religious life.

The Great Awakening had profound effects on American religious life. It was a reaction against religious control and helped lay the foundation for the American War for independence. It inspired new ideas about religion and led to the creation of new religious groups, including Methodists and Baptists.

The revival taught people to pay more attention to their religious beliefs and to look more inward for spiritual guidance.

The Great Awakening was a reaction against religious control and help lay the foundation for the American War for independence.

The revival taught people to pay more attention to their religious beliefs and to look more inward for spiritual guidance. It also helped them focus on those beliefs, which helped them better understand them and live by them in their daily lives.

It was inspired by the new emphasis on personal faith that came out of the Protestant Reformation.

The Great Awakening was a reaction against religious control and help lay the foundation for the American War for independence.

It was inspired by the new emphasis on personal faith that came out of the Protestant Reformation. This movement developed around John Calvin’s teachings, which advocated for individual responsibility and accountability over following rules set by church leaders. The revival taught people to pay more attention to their religious beliefs and to look more inward for spiritual guidance instead of relying on external authorities like priests or ministers who only cared about keeping order within their own communities (which were small at best).

This movement also was an attempt to get away from the increasing materialism in society and a return to God.

The Great Awakening was an attempt to get away from materialism in society and return to God. This movement also was an attempt to get away from the increasing materialism in society and a return to God. In fact, many people thought that if you didn’t have money, then you couldn’t buy anything!

It’s important for us today because we live in a world where there are so many different ways of thinking about things–and some of those ways can be very negative or even dangerous. If you don’t know how your thoughts affect other people around you, then it’s easy for them too feel bad about themselves because they think differently than others do (even though these differences aren’t necessarily bad).

The Great Awakening is remembered as one of the most significant events in American history.

The Great Awakening is remembered as one of the most significant events in American history. It was a reaction against religious control and help lay the foundation for the American War for independence.

The Great Awakening was inspired by the new emphasis on personal faith that came out of the Protestant Reformation, which began when Martin Luther published his 95 thesis at Wittenberg University in 1517 and spread across Europe over several decades. This new focus on individual belief led many people to abandon their existing churches or denominations because they believed they could find what they needed within themselves instead of relying on external authorities such as priests or ministers who claimed authority over them through prayer alone (as earlier church leaders had done).

It helped lay the foundation for the American War for independence.

The Great Awakening was a reaction against religious control and help lay the foundation for the American War for independence. It helped lay the foundation for the American War for independence because it caused people to question what religion was, why they believed in it, and how it could affect their lives.

The Enlightenment also played a role in this. Enlightenment thinkers like Thomas Paine (1737-1809) believed that any belief system should be tested against reason and logic, not just tradition or authority—and if you couldn’t prove something true through reason alone, then it wasn’t true at all! This led many people who were raised under religious control by their parents or grandparents during this period to become atheists instead of believing in traditional Judeo-Christian beliefs anymore; they now seek knowledge instead of blindly following whatever teachings have been handed down over centuries upon centuries since time immemorial without question

The Great Awakening was a reaction against religious control and help lay the foundation for the American War for independence.

The Great Awakening was a reaction against religious control and help lay the foundation for the American War for independence.

The Great Awakening was a major religious movement in colonial America, taking place between 1735 and 1790. It resulted in an increase in religious fervor among many colonists, who saw it as a call to arms against oppression from King George III. In response to this social upheaval, leaders like Brainerd began holding revival meetings with their followers at local taverns across New England; these gatherings were known as “camp meetings” because they typically took place outdoors under tents or pavilions made from sheets tied together into makeshift structures that could be easily set up by hand using ropes or stakes driven into the ground (these tents still exist today).


The Great Awakening, was an evangelical revival that swept the American colonies in the 1730s and 1740s, leaving a permanent impact on American religion.