Chat with us, powered by LiveChat Tasks: Create a five-minute presentation with an audio recording. This presentation will combine visual media and written and recorded text on a slide. You also have to provide an outli - Writingforyou

Tasks: Create a five-minute presentation with an audio recording. This presentation will combine visual media and written and recorded text on a slide. You also have to provide an outli


Create a five-minute presentation with an audio recording. This presentation will combine visual media and written and recorded text on a slide. You also have to provide an outline of your presentation on one of the slides. 

The presentation must choose ONE of the regions we have discussed this semester. Create a presentation discussing:

  1. In what ways has physical geography shaped the development of a particular civilization? Look at the political, social, cultural, and economic structures.

**Topic Will Be The North American Region Hopewell Culture**


 How You Will Be Assessed:

Successful assignments will be assessed on whether or not the presentations meet the following criteria:

  • The presentation will be five minutes long.
  • You will use a minimum of THREE academic sources to inform your research.
  • You will have a minimum of eight slides that include the following Introduction of the topic and region.
  • Outline of your presentation.
  • Discussion of the topic: at least six slides.
  • One slide explaining why or why not the study of history is important to become informed citizens.
  • One slide explains how understanding the motivations behind past cultures helps us understand world events today.
  • You have to provide an audio recording for each slide. If there is no audio, I will take 10 points off right away. 

In what ways has physical geography shaped the development of a particular civilization? Look at the political, social, cultural, and economic structures.


The Aztec Empire emerged from humble beginnings as a small tribe dwelling on Lake Texcoco. The Aztecs were nomads who settled down to become farmers in the region around the lake after migrating south. They founded their capital city of Tenochtitlan in 1325, which would grow to become one of the largest cities in the Americas. Their empire would be the largest, most powerful empire in the Americas and among one of the most powerful on Earth. It had a population of over 5 million people and covered 80,000 square miles Everything about them was influenced by their environment first and foremost because where they settled was where they could best survive As a result, their religion politics architecture social structure all tied nature some way When looking an ancient civilizations we need learn about how geography influenced development

The Aztec Empire emerged from humble beginnings as a small tribe dwelling on Lake Texcoco.

The Aztec Empire was founded by the Aztecs, a wandering people who migrated south from central Mexico and settled down to become farmers in the region around Lake Texcoco. They founded their capital city of Tenochtitlan in 1325, after conquering their neighbors, who had previously lived there. This move into agricultural production was one way they developed as a society: they began trading with other cultures throughout Mesoamerica and beyond (though not all aspects of their culture were focused on agriculture).

Another way in which physical geography shaped this civilization is how it interacted with other peoples and civilizations around them. For example:

The Aztecs traded goods with neighboring tribes; this helped them establish trade routes and secure resources for themselves.

They fought wars against other tribes for control over territory or resources that were valuable to both parties involved—such as salt mines near Lake Texcoco

The Aztecs were nomads who settled down to become farmers in the region around the lake after migrating south.

The Aztecs were nomads who settled down to become farmers in the region around the lake after migrating south. They moved into this area because it was fertile and had many resources, including fresh water and food.

The Aztecs’ ancestors lived near Lake Texcoco, which is now called Xochimilco. Before they settled down, they were nomadic wanderers who traveled by foot or horseback from place to place. Their society consisted of priests and warriors who ruled over their people with an iron fist; any who opposed them were killed without mercy or judgment (or even explanation). However, this did not mean that everyone had equal rights: only those with high status could own property or influence others through political power; other members of society could be subjugated under these leaders’ orders if necessary—and sometimes even forced into slavery!

They founded their capital city of Tenochtitlan in 1325, which would grow to become one of the largest cities in the Americas.

Tenochtitlan was founded in 1325 by the Aztec Triple Alliance. It was built on an island in Lake Texcoco and quickly became a center of trade, politics, culture and religion for this new civilization.

The city grew rapidly over time because it was located near two major waterways leading from Mexico’s coast up into central Mexico. The Spanish explorer Hernan Cortes arrived here in 1519 after he conquered most of Central America for Spain (1519-1521). He saw that Tenochtitlan had many valuable resources like gold and silver which he wanted to take back to Spain so he started using force against them; but this did not work out well since they defeated him twice before finally killing him with poison darts!

Their empire would be the largest, most powerful empire in the Americas and among one of the most powerful on Earth.

The Inca Empire was one of the most powerful empires in the Americas and among one of the most powerful on Earth. It was a military superpower, with an army that could field 80,000 soldiers at any given time. They also had a large navy capable of carrying out raids against other nations, as well as an elite guard known as quipu (or khipu), which recorded information about political activity and economic transactions.

The Inca were also cultural superpowers—their people invented many new techniques for farming, writing systems for recording history and mythology, musical instruments like trumpets made out of hollowed-out gourds or coca leaves used during rituals to communicate with gods via song…

It had a population of over 5 million people and covered 80,000 square miles.

The Aztec Empire was the largest Mesoamerican state by far. It covered an area of 80,000 square miles and had a population of over 5 million people. The Aztecs were one of the major civilizations that developed in central Mexico after 1430 AD when it became part of the Spanish Empire.

Everything about them was influenced by their environment first and foremost, because where they settled was where they could best survive.

Geography is a powerful force that shapes how people live. The Aztecs were nomads who settled down to become farmers in the region around Lake Texcoco after migrating south from their original home in what is now Mexico. The fact that they had to adapt to new environments made them more successful than other groups, who had already been living there for centuries before they arrived.

In addition to their geography, the Aztecs’ culture also shaped them as a people: they believed strongly in an afterlife; they worshipped gods and goddesses; they sacrificed animals at temples; and they believed those sacrifices would bring good fortune back into their lives (or make them rich).

As a result, their religion, politics, architecture and social structure were all tied to nature in some way.

These are just a few of the ways that nature shaped the development of a particular civilization. In general, society was organized according to certain principles that were based on the natural world. For example, many civilizations had religious beliefs about deities or spirits that inhabited specific places in nature and were connected with them in some way. In other cases, rulers took power from other groups through warfare; this meant they could control resources like land and food supplies by getting people to fight against each other instead of working together toward mutual goals (like building shelters).

Another way societies were influenced by their environment was through architecture: buildings had to be built where they could get sunlight during certain seasons so they wouldn’t get too hot during summer months when there wasn’t much sunlight available because most people lived far away from cities where there might not always be enough food available year round—so architects often designed homes so windows faced southward when possible (which would require less heating costs) but also northward so heat escapes easily enough without needing any artificial heating systems installed within those homes.”

When looking at ancient civilizations we need to learn about how geography influenced their development

The geography of a place plays a big role in how people live there. For example, if you live in a city with poor sanitation and high crime rates, it’s likely that your family will move away because they don’t want to be exposed to those things. Or maybe your town is flat and boring, so people leave for greener pastures (or even just because they’re tired).

Geography can also have a positive or negative impact on people. If it’s very cold where you live but there’s plenty of sunshine during the winter months; then maybe you can grow crops outdoors all year round instead of having them indoors only when needed! On the other hand if someone lives near mountains which block out some sunlight during summertime then there won’t be enough food available for everyone else either so maybe this person might have to go hungry until spring comes around again next year–but maybe not everyone will starve since there are other places like cities where lots more food would come from!”


The Aztecs were nomads who settled down to become farmers in the region around the lake after migrating south. They founded their capital city of Tenochtitlan in 1325, which would grow to become one of the largest cities in the Americas. Their empire would be one of the largest, most powerful empires in the Americas and among one of the most powerful on Earth. It had a population of over 5 million people and covered 80,000 square miles. Everything about them was influenced by their environment first and foremost, because where they settled was where they could best survive.