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Synthesize the functions of the master's-prepared health care administrator, including role, responsibilities, and priorities.


Week 7 Assignment – Leadership Styles Career Activity

Use Basic Search: Strayer University Online Library and the Internet, to research leadership traits and merits. Respond to the following:

  • Describe some leadership styles and traits that would make you the ideal candidate for an executive position in a health care organization.

Assignment Instructions

Write a one-page paper (not to exceed 250 words). You will be graded on the following:

  • Quality of your response.
  • Coherence and organization.
  • Mechanics.

This course requires the use of Strayer Writing Standards. For assistance and information, please refer to the Strayer Writing Standards link in the left-hand menu of your course. Check with your professor for any additional instructions.The specific course outcome associated with this assignment is:

  • Synthesize the functions of the master’s-prepared health care administrator, including role, responsibilities, and priorities.

Describe some leadership styles and traits that would make you the ideal candidate for an executive position in a health care organization.


Health care organizations are a collaborative environment and the best leadership style will bring out the best in its team members. In my last position, I was able to build a strong team by being a leader that was an advocate for my staff. My team knew they could come to me with any issues. I also asked for their input on major decisions. This helped create an atmosphere of trust and respect which dramatically improved morale

I believe the ideal leadership style is one that is inclusive and cares about it’s employees. Health care organizations are a collaborative environment and the best leadership style will bring out the best in its team members.

As a leader, you should be inclusive and caring. Inclusivity means that everyone is welcome to contribute ideas, and caring means that you are willing to listen to any concerns or suggestions from your team members. The best leadership style will also bring out the best in its team members by creating an environment where everyone feels valued and respected.

In my last position, I was able to build a strong team by being a leader that was an advocate for my staff. My team knew they could come to me with any issues. I also asked for their input on major decisions. This helped create an atmosphere of trust and respect which dramatically improved morale.

You should be a leader that is an advocate for your staff. You should care about them and bring out their best, which will lead to improved morale. In my last position as an executive director at a health care organization, I was able to build a strong team by being a leader that was an advocate for my staff. My team knew they could come to me with any issues or questions they had regarding the organization’s policies and procedures, but also knew that if something went wrong somewhere else in their departments (such as patient care), then we would address it together as a group and fix it promptly together before someone got hurt or lost trust due to confusion over who had authority over what area of work..

Another effective leadership trait or style is valuing transparency and honesty. Employees need to know what leaders are doing and thinking for them to feel like a part of the business model. For example, when I was working in the lab at University of Chicago Medical Center we had new electronic patient record system implemented. My manager made sure we understood how this system worked as well as addressed any concerns we might have had.

Another effective leadership trait or style is valuing transparency and honesty. Employees need to know what leaders are doing and thinking for them to feel like a part of the business model. For example, when I was working in the lab at University of Chicago Medical Center we had new electronic patient record system implemented. My manager made sure we understood how this system worked as well as addressed any concerns we might have had.

Transparency is important because if you want others to follow your lead, then it’s important for them know where you’re coming from and what your expectations are going forward without having any doubt or confusion about how things work around here! If there’s something that needs changing (and maybe even fixing), don’t hesitate telling us! We want everyone on board with our goals so please talk openly about anything that concerns us all – whether it be morale issues or other concerns related related by employees themselves.”

There are a few other traits leaders can possess to motivate and inspire their staff. They should be authentic, empathetic and understand that communication goes both ways – leaders need to listen as well as speak! These traits will help create a positive work environment for all team members.

In addition to their communication and leadership skills, effective leaders should possess a few other traits in order to motivate and inspire their staff. They should be authentic, empathetic and understand that communication goes both ways – leaders need to listen as well as speak! These traits will help create a positive work environment for all team members.

It is important for health care leaders to be inclusive, transparent and listen to their employees

It is important for health care leaders to be inclusive, transparent and listen to their employees. In order for a leader to be successful, he or she needs to understand that communication goes both ways. Leaders need to be empathetic and authentic in order for them to be effective leaders. They must also understand that communication goes both ways; this means they can’t just talk at people but rather they must also listen as well as speak so that they can truly connect with others on an emotional level.


In conclusion, it is important for health care leaders to be inclusive, transparent and listen to their employees. Many of the traits listed above are qualities that make for effective leaders. However, I think it is more important than ever before for us all to work together towards a common goal – improving our nation’s health care system so that all Americans can access the best possible medical care when they need it most