Chat with us, powered by LiveChat Obtain I anode-V anode characteristics. Make your own choice of the concrete values based on your knowledge of semiconductor devices. What is the threshold voltage (VT)? ?2. Plot conduc - Writingforyou

Obtain I anode-V anode characteristics. Make your own choice of the concrete values based on your knowledge of semiconductor devices. What is the threshold voltage (VT)? ?2. Plot conduc

 . Obtain I anode-V anode characteristics. Make your own choice of the concrete values based on your knowledge of semiconductor devices. What is the threshold voltage (VT)?

 2. Plot conduction and valence band profile along the middle of the gate when the  device is a) off, and b) on. Overlap the plot of conduction and valence band profile with the plot of electron density.

 3. Make such changes in a device architecture that you will achieve an increase in the drain current at the overdrive of 1.0 V (Vanode-VT=1.0 V) about 50% or more. The changes in the device architecture have to be justified using physical arguments in the report and be physically achievable. Use your knowledge from the module Semiconductor Technology if needed. 

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# TPCS version: 6 # key positions key contours 1 at 3 key contours 2 at 1 key contours 3 at 6 key electrical at 6 key vectors at 6 key overlay at 2 key regions at 4 # various properties log label 0 select 1 # plot flags, special show mesh off show edges on show materials on show contours off show light off show vectors off show junctions on show electrodes on show threed off draw 1 # annotation, titles title main auto title sub auto # annotation, footers footer right none footer left none # annotation, show show xaxis on show yaxis on show grid off show label xaxis on show label yaxis on # annotation, axes range xaxis auto range yaxis auto label xaxis “Microns” label yaxis “Microns” # zoom zoom from 0, 0 scale 1, 1 # user labels # overlay level names label overlay 0 “laserex03_0.str” draw all


# TPCS version: 6 # key positions key contours 1 at 3 key contours 2 at 1 key contours 3 at 6 key electrical at user 0.0443623, 0.0230126 key vectors at 6 key overlay at 2 key regions at 4 # various properties log label 0 select 1 # xygraph flags show points on show lines on # xygraph types xygraph type 0 convert 0 xygraph yaxis scale linear # xygraph x-axis xygraph xaxis “anode current” linear # xygraph y-axes xygraph yaxis none xygraph yaxis “Laser power per mirror, mode 1” linear # xygraph group xygraph group “None” # annotation, titles title main auto title sub auto # annotation, footers footer right none footer left none # annotation, show show xaxis on show yaxis on show grid off show label xaxis on show label yaxis on # annotation, axes range xaxis auto range yaxis auto label xaxis “anode current (A/~mm)” # zoom zoom from 0, 0 scale 1, 1 # user labels # overlay level names label overlay 0 “laserex03.log” draw all


####################################################################### # GaAs/AlGaAs Stripe Geometry Laser # # Lateral mode instability in AlGaAs/GaAs strip geometry laser diode # # This input file demonstrates simulation of a the stripe geometry # # GaAs/AlGaAs laser diode. Physically based frequency dependent # # optical gain model is used in this example. # # # # Input File for EG-355 (Quantum Devices 3) # # by Karol Kalna # # (c) October 2020, Swansea University # # based on (c) Silvaco Inc., 2019 # ####################################################################### go atlas #go atlas simflag=”-P 6″ TITLE: GaAs/AlGaAs Stripe Geometry Laser ##################################################### # SECTION 1: Mesh Input ##################################################### # # All mesh dimensions in micro-meters [um]. mesh space.mult=1.0 diag.flip # X-direction mesh definition. x.mesh loc=-2.00 spac=0.5 x.mesh loc=0.00 spac=0.5 x.mesh loc=2 spac=0.2 x.mesh loc=7 spac=0.2 x.mesh loc=9.0 spac=0.5 x.mesh loc=11.00 spac=0.5 # Y-direction mesh definition. y.mesh loc=0.0 spac=0.1 y.mesh loc=0.5 spac=0.1 y.mesh loc=0.55 spac=0.025 y.mesh loc=0.7 spac=0.015 y.mesh loc=0.75 spac=0.0075 y.mesh loc=0.85 spac=0.0075 y.mesh loc=0.9 spac=0.015 y.mesh loc=1.05 spac=0.025 y.mesh loc=1.1 spac=0.1 y.mesh loc=2.1 spac=0.2 #################################################### # SECTION 2: Structure/Mesh Specification #################################################### # Define material regions # AlGaAs region num=1 material=AlGaAs x.min=-2 x.max=11.0 y.min=0.0 y.max=0.75 x.composition=0.5 # GaAs region num=2 material=GaAs x.min=-2 x.max=11 y.min=0.75 y.max=0.85 # AlGaAs region num=3 material=AlGaAs x.min=-2 x.max=11 y.min=0.85 y.max=2.1 x.composition=0.5 # Definition of the contact/electrodes elec num=1 name=anode x.min=3.0 x.max=6.0 y.min=0.0 y.max=0.0 elec num=2 name=cathode bottom # Define doping in the device. doping uniform reg=1 p.type conc=1.e18 doping uniform reg=2 n.type conc=4.e15 doping uniform reg=3 n.type conc=4.e17 ##################################################### # SECTION 3: Material Models and Parameters ##################################################### # Define material parameters: electron and hole Shockley-Read-Hall # recombination lifetimes, the total band to band generation/recombination, # bandgap difference between Material1 and Material2 material material=GaAs taun0=1.e-9 taup0=1.e-9 copt=1.5e-10 material material=AlGaAs taun0=1.e-9 taup0=1.e-9 copt=1.5e-10 align=0.6 # Select carrier mobility model and other physical models. model material=GaAs fldmob srh optr print model material=AlGaAs fldmob srh optr ##################################################### # SECTION 4: Initial Solution ##################################################### # Run solution at equilibrium solve init # Define additional outputs output #################################################### # Save to a structure file and then plot mesh, geometry, and doping profile. save outf=laser_geom.str tonyplot laser_geom.str -set laser_geom.set ##################################################### # SECTION 5: Used Methods ##################################################### method newton autonr trap maxtrap=6 climit=1e-6 ##################################################### # SECTION 6: I-V Characteristic Simulations ##################################################### solve vanode=0.1 solve vanode=0.2 # Ramp up the anode voltage. solve vanode=0.4 vstep=0.4 name=anode vfinal=1.2 #################################################### # SECTION 7: Laser Mesh Specification #################################################### # The location of mesh/grid lines along the <n>-axis in a rectangular mesh # used in Laser simulation. lx.m n=1 x=0 lx.m n=37 x=9 # ly.m n=1 y=0.5 ly.m n=33 y=1.1 ##################################################### # SECTION 8: Material Models and Parameters for Laser simulation ##################################################### models material=GaAs fldmob srh optr fermi print laser gainmod=1 las_maxch=100. las_xmin=0.1 las_xmax=8.9 las_ymin=0.5 las_ymax=1.1 photon_energy=1.43 las_nx=37 las_ny=33 lmodes las_einit=1.415 las_efinal=1.47 cavity_length=100 ##################################################### # SECTION 9: Laser Simulations ##################################################### # Save results log outf=laser.log # Ramp up the anode voltage. solve vanode=1.3 vstep=0.05 name=anode vfinal=2.0 # Specifies current boundary conditions at the contact (Atlas manual p. 94) # If specified, CAPACITANCE, INDUCTANCE, or RESISTANCE may not be specified. contact num=1 current # Ramp up the current at the contact num=1. solve prev istep=0.0005 ifinal=0.004 electr=1 #################################################### # Save to a structure fie and then plot mesh, geometry, and doping profile. save outfile=laser_lin.str tonyplot laser.log -set laser_log.set tonyplot laser_lin.str -set laser_lin.set quit


# TPCS version: 8 # various properties log label 0 key opaque 0 mark frequency 0 mark overlay 0 graph width 0 1 graph width 1 1 graph width 2 1 graph width 3 1 graph width 4 4 graph width 5 1 sequence size 3 sequence width 2 log zero 1 sequence mark 0 0 sequence mark 1 1 sequence mark 2 2 sequence mark 3 3 sequence mark 4 4 sequence mark 5 5 # Functions function 1 “” “” function 2 “” “” function 3 “” “” function 4 “” “” select 1 # plot flags, special show mesh off show edges on show materials off show contours on show light off show vectors off show junctions off show electrodes on show threed off draw 1 # contour set 1 contours 1 impurity “Light intensity for mode #1” contours 1 materials all contours 1 min auto contours 1 max auto contours 1 nsteps 33 contours 1 type fill contours 1 outline off contours 1 color 0 contours 1 apply # contour set 2 contours 2 impurity “(unknown impurity)” contours 2 materials all contours 2 min auto contours 2 max auto contours 2 nsteps 33 contours 2 type fill contours 2 outline off contours 2 color 0 contours 2 apply # contour set 3 contours 3 impurity “(unknown impurity)” contours 3 materials all contours 3 min auto contours 3 max auto contours 3 nsteps 33 contours 3 type fill contours 3 outline off contours 3 color 0 contours 3 apply region param -101 # key positions key contours 1 at 3 key contours 2 at 0 key contours 3 at 0 key electrical at 0 key vectors at 0 key overlay at 6 key regions at 0 key apply # annotation, titles title main auto title sub auto # annotation, footers footer right none footer left none # annotation, show show xaxis on show yaxis on show grid off show label xaxis on show label yaxis on # annotation, axes range xaxis auto range yaxis auto label xaxis “Microns” label yaxis “Microns” # zoom zoom from 0, 0 scale 1, 1 # user labels # overlay level names label overlay 0 “laserex03_1.str”


v ATLAS # This file was created by ATLAS version 5.26.1.R on Sun Nov 20 19:27:18 2022. #SSF 2.0 generic ############################################################################## # Copyright (c) 1984 – 2018 # # Silvaco Inc. All rights reserved # # # # This file format and the following Key are copyright Silvaco Inc. # # You may not use, this format or key without reproducing this message in # # full and obtaining express written permission from Silvaco Inc. # # # # To obtain such permission please contact: Silvaco Inc. # # [email protected] # # # # KEY=SVC86hn7562asdx PROD=345 # ############################################################################## j 4 1 2 94 95 k 2 2 0.667437753 1.42248214 c 1 -2 0 0 c 2 -2 0.1 0 c 3 -2 0.2 0 c 4 -2 0.3 0 c 5 -2 0.4 0 c 6 -2 0.5 0 c 7 -2 0.525 0 c 8 -2 0.55 0 c 9 -2 0.574168716748864 0 c 10 -2 0.596547158182998 0 c 11 -2 0.617267937288677 0 c 12 -2 0.636453843868009 0 c 13 -2 0.654218572182206 0 c 14 -2 0.670667394695352 0 c 15 -2 0.685897785911227 0 c 16 -2 0.7 0 c 17 -2 0.71420372026897 0 c 18 -2 0.725900901666944 0 c 19 -2 0.735533874582924 0 c 20 -2 0.743466911101966 0 c 21 -2 0.75 0 c 22 -2 0.757692307692308 0 c 23 -2 0.765384615384616 0 c 24 -2 0.773076923076923 0 c 25 -2 0.780769230769231 0 c 26 -2 0.788461538461539 0 c 27 -2 0.796153846153846 0 c 28 -2 0.803846153846154 0 c 29 -2 0.811538461538462 0 c 30 -2 0.81923076923077 0 c 31 -2 0.826923076923077 0 c 32 -2 0.834615384615385 0 c 33 -2 0.842307692307693 0 c 34 -2 0.85 0 c 35 -2 0.856533088898035 0 c 36 -2 0.864466125417076 0 c 37 -2 0.874099098333056 0 c 38 -2 0.88579627973103 0 c 39 -2 0.9 0 c 40 -2 0.914102214088773 0 c 41 -2 0.929332605304648 0 c 42 -2 0.945781427817794 0 c 43 -2 0.963546156131991 0 c 44 -2 0.982732062711323 0 c 45 -2 1.003452841817 0 c 46 -2 1.02583128325114 0 c 47 -2 1.05 0 c 48 -2 1.075 0 c 49 -2 1.1 0 c 50 -2 1.19760307571216 0 c 51 -2 1.30740653588834 0 c 52 -2 1.43093542858653 0 c 53 -2 1.56990543287201 0 c 54 -2 1.72624668769317 0 c 55 -2 1.90213059936697 0 c 56 -2 2.1 0 c 57 -1.5 0 0 c 58 -1.5 0.1 0 c 59 -1.5 0.2 0 c 60 -1.5 0.3 0 c 61 -1.5 0.4 0 c 62 -1.5 0.5 0 c 63 -1.5 0.525 0 c 64 -1.5 0.55 0 c 65 -1.5 0.574168716748864 0 c 66 -1.5 0.596547158182998 0 c 67 -1.5 0.617267937288677 0 c 68 -1.5 0.636453843868009 0 c 69 -1.5 0.654218572182206 0 c 70 -1.5 0.670667394695352 0 c 71 -1.5 0.685897785911227 0 c 72 -1.5 0.7 0 c 73 -1.5 0.71420372026897 0 c 74 -1.5 0.725900901666944 0 c 75 -1.5 0.735533874582924 0 c 76 -1.5 0.743466911101966 0 c 77 -1.5 0.75 0 c 78 -1.5 0.757692307692308 0 c 79 -1.5 0.765384615384616 0 c 80 -1.5 0.773076923076923 0 c 81 -1.5 0.780769230769231 0 c 82 -1.5 0.788461538461539 0 c 83 -1.5 0.796153846153846 0 c 84 -1.5 0.803846153846154 0 c 85 -1.5 0.811538461538462 0 c 86 -1.5 0.81923076923077 0 c 87 -1.5 0.826923076923077 0 c 88 -1.5 0.834615384615385 0 c 89 -1.5 0.842307692307693 0 c 90 -1.5 0.85 0 c 91 -1.5 0.856533088898035 0 c 92 -1.5 0.864466125417076 0 c 93 -1.5 0.874099098333056 0 c 94 -1.5 0.88579627973103 0 c 95 -1.5 0.9 0 c 96 -1.5 0.914102214088773 0 c 97 -1.5 0.929332605304648 0 c 98 -1.5 0.945781427817794 0 c 99 -1.5 0.963546156131991 0 c 100 -1.5 0.982732062711323 0 c 101 -1.5 1.003452841817 0 c 102 -1.5 1.02583128325114 0 c 103 -1.5 1.05 0 c 104 -1.5 1.075 0 c 105 -1.5 1.1 0 c 106 -1.5 1.19760307571216 0 c 107 -1.5 1.30740653588834 0 c 108 -1.5 1.43093542858653 0 c 109 -1.5 1.56990543287201 0 c 110 -1.5 1.72624668769317 0 c 111 -1.5 1.90213059936697 0 c 112 -1.5 2.1 0 c 113 -1 0 0 c 114 -1 0.1 0 c 115 -1 0.2 0 c 116 -1 0.3 0 c 117 -1 0.4 0 c 118 -1 0.5 0 c 119 -1 0.525 0 c 120 -1 0.55 0 c 121 -1 0.574168716748864 0 c 122 -1 0.596547158182998 0 c 123 -1 0.617267937288677 0 c 124 -1 0.636453843868009 0 c 125 -1 0.654218572182206 0 c 126 -1 0.670667394695352 0 c 127 -1 0.685897785911227 0 c 128 -1 0.7 0 c 129 -1 0.71420372026897 0 c 130 -1 0.725900901666944 0 c 131 -1 0.735533874582924 0 c 132 -1 0.743466911101966 0 c 133 -1 0.75 0 c 134 -1 0.757692307692308 0 c 135 -1 0.765384615384616 0 c 136 -1 0.773076923076923 0 c 137 -1 0.780769230769231 0 c 138 -1 0.788461538461539 0 c 139 -1 0.796153846153846 0 c 140 -1 0.803846153846154 0 c 141 -1 0.811538461538462 0 c 142 -1 0.81923076923077 0 c 143 -1 0.826923076923077 0 c 144 -1 0.834615384615385 0 c 145 -1 0.842307692307693 0 c 146 -1 0.85 0 c 147 -1 0.856533088898035 0 c 148 -1 0.864466125417076 0 c 149 -1 0.874099098333056 0 c 150 -1 0.88579627973103 0 c 151 -1 0.9 0 c 152 -1 0.914102214088773 0 c 153 -1 0.929332605304648 0 c 154 -1 0.945781427817794 0 c 155 -1 0.963546156131991 0 c 156 -1 0.982732062711323 0 c 157 -1 1.003452841817 0 c 158 -1 1.02583128325114 0 c 159 -1 1.05 0 c 160 -1 1.075 0 c 161 -1 1.1 0 c 162 -1 1.19760307571216 0 c 163 -1 1.30740653588834 0 c 164 -1 1.43093542858653 0 c 165 -1 1.56990543287201 0 c 166 -1 1.72624668769317 0 c 167 -1 1.90213059936697 0 c 168 -1 2.1 0 c 169 -0.5 0 0 c 170 -0.5 0.1 0 c 171 -0.5 0.2 0 c 172 -0.5 0.3 0 c 173 -0.5 0.4 0 c 174 -0.5 0.5 0 c 175 -0.5 0.525 0 c 176 -0.5 0.55 0 c 177 -0.5 0.574168716748864 0 c 178 -0.5 0.596547158182998 0 c 179 -0.5 0.617267937288677 0 c 180 -0.5 0.636453843868009 0 c 181 -0.5 0.654218572182206 0 c 182 -0.5 0.670667394695352 0 c 183 -0.5 0.685897785911227 0 c 184 -0.5 0.7 0 c 185 -0.5 0.71420372026897 0 c 186 -0.5 0.725900901666944 0 c 187 -0.5 0.735533874582924 0 c 188 -0.5 0.743466911101966 0 c 189 -0.5 0.75 0 c 190 -0.5 0.757692307692308 0 c 191 -0.5 0.765384615384616 0 c 192 -0.5 0.773076923076923 0 c 193 -0.5 0.780769230769231 0 c 194 -0.5 0.788461538461539 0 c 195 -0.5 0.796153846153846 0 c 196 -0.5 0.803846153846154 0 c 197 -0.5 0.811538461538462 0 c 198 -0.5 0.81923076923077 0 c 199 -0.5 0.826923076923077 0 c 200 -0.5 0.834615384615385 0 c 201 -0.5 0.842307692307693 0 c 202 -0.5 0.85 0 c 203 -0.5 0.856533088898035 0 c 204 -0.5 0.864466125417076 0 c 205 -0.5 0.874099098333056 0 c 206 -0.5 0.88579627973103 0 c 207 -0.5 0.9 0 c 208 -0.5 0.914102214088773 0 c 209 -0.5 0.929332605304648 0 c 210 -0.5 0.945781427817794 0 c 211 -0.5 0.963546156131991 0 c 212 -0.5 0.982732062711323 0 c 213 -0.5 1.003452841817 0 c 214 -0.5 1.02583128325114 0 c 215 -0.5 1.05 0 c 216 -0.5 1.075 0 c 217 -0.5 1.1 0 c 218 -0.5 1.19760307571216 0 c 219 -0.5 1.30740653588834 0 c 220 -0.5 1.43093542858653 0 c 221 -0.5 1.56990543287201 0 c 222 -0.5 1.72624668769317 0 c 223 -0.5 1.90213059936697 0 c 224 -0.5 2.1 0 c 225 -1.35525271560688e-016 0 0 c 226 -1.35525271560688e-016 0.1 0 c 227 -1.35525271560688e-016 0.2 0 c 228 -1.35525271560688e-016 0.3 0 c 229 -1.35525271560688e-016 0.4 0 c 230 -1.35525271560688e-016 0.5 0 c 231 -1.35525271560688e-016 0.525 0 c 232 -1.35525271560688e-016 0.55 0 c 233 -1.35525271560688e-016 0.574168716748864 0 c 234 -1.35525271560688e-016 0.596547158182998 0 c 235 -1.35525271560688e-016 0.617267937288677 0 c 236 -1.35525271560688e-016 0.636453843868009 0 c 237 -1.35525271560688e-016 0.654218572182206 0 c 238 -1.35525271560688e-016 0.670667394695352 0 c 239 -1.35525271560688e-016 0.685897785911227 0 c 240 -1.35525271560688e-016 0.7 0 c 241 -1.35525271560688e-016 0.71420372026897 0 c 242 -1.35525271560688e-016 0.725900901666944 0 c 243 -1.35525271560688e-016 0.735533874582924 0 c 244 -1.35525271560688e-016 0.743466911101966 0 c 245 -1.35525271560688e-016 0.75 0 c 246 -1.35525271560688e-016 0.757692307692308 0 c 247 -1.35525271560688e-016 0.765384615384616 0 c 248 -1.35525271560688e-016 0.773076923076923 0 c 249 -1.35525271560688e-016 0.780769230769231 0 c 250 -1.35525271560688e-016 0.788461538461539 0 c 251 -1.35525271560688e-016 0.796153846153846 0 c 252 -1.35525271560688e-016 0.803846153846154 0 c 253 -1.35525271560688e-016 0.811538461538462 0 c 254 -1.35525271560688e-016 0.81923076923077 0 c 255 -1.35525271560688e-016 0.826923076923077 0 c 256 -1.35525271560688e-016 0.834615384615385 0 c 257 -1.35525271560688e-016 0.842307692307693 0 c 258 -1.35525271560688e-016 0.85 0 c 259 -1.35525271560688e-016 0.856533088898035 0 c 260 -1.35525271560688e-016 0.864466125417076 0 c 261 -1.35525271560688e-016 0.874099098333056 0 c 262 -1.35525271560688e-016 0.88579627973103 0 c 263 -1.35525271560688e-016 0.9 0 c 264 -1.35525271560688e-016 0.914102214088773 0 c 265 -1.35525271560688e-016 0.929332605304648 0 c 266 -1.35525271560688e-016 0.945781427817794 0 c 267 -1.35525271560688e-016 0.963546156131991 0 c 268 -1.35525271560688e-016 0.982732062711323 0 c 269 -1.35525271560688e-016 1.003452841817 0 c 270 -1.35525271560688e-016 1.02583128325114 0 c 271 -1.35525271560688e-016 1.05 0 c 272 -1.35525271560688e-016 1.075 0 c 273 -1.35525271560688e-016 1.1 0 c 274 -1.35525271560688e-016 1.19760307571216 0 c 275 -1.35525271560688e-016 1.30740653588834 0 c 276 -1.35525271560688e-016 1.43093542858653 0 c 277 -1.35525271560688e-016 1.56990543287201 0 c 278 -1.35525271560688e-016 1.72624668769317 0 c 279 -1.35525271560688e-016 1.90213059936697 0 c 280 -1.35525271560688e-016 2.1 0 c 281 0.501176243111727 0 0 c 282 0.501176243111727 0.1 0 c 283 0.501176243111727 0.2 0 c 284 0.501176243111727 0.3 0 c 285 0.501176243111727 0.4 0 c 286 0.501176243111727 0.5 0 c 287 0.501176243111727 0.525 0 c 288 0.501176243111727 0.55 0 c 289 0.501176243111727 0.574168716748864 0 c 290 0.501176243111727 0.596547158182998 0 c 291 0.501176243111727 0.617267937288677 0 c 292 0.501176243111727 0.636453843868009 0 c 293 0.501176243111727 0.654218572182206 0 c 294 0.501176243111727 0.670667394695352 0 c 295 0.501176243111727 0.685897785911227 0 c 296 0.501176243111727 0.7 0 c 297 0.501176243111727 0.71420372026897 0 c 298 0.501176243111727 0.725900901666944 0 c 299 0.501176243111727 0.735533874582924 0 c 300 0.501176243111727 0.743466911101966 0 c 301 0.501176243111727 0.75 0 c 302 0.501176243111727 0.757692307692308 0 c 303 0.501176243111727 0.765384615384616 0 c 304 0.501176243111727 0.773076923076923 0 c 305 0.501176243111727 0.780769230769231 0 c 306 0.501176243111727 0.788461538461539 0 c 307 0.501176243111727 0.796153846153846 0 c 308 0.501176243111727 0.803846153846154 0 c 309 0.501176243111727 0.811538461538462 0 c 310 0.501176243111727 0.81923076923077 0 c 311 0.501176243111727 0.826923076923077 0 c 312 0.501176243111727 0.834615384615385 0 c 313 0.501176243111727 0.842307692307693 0 c 314 0.501176243111727 0.85 0 c 315 0.501176243111727 0.856533088898035 0 c 316 0.501176243111727 0.864466125417076 0 c 317 0.501176243111727 0.874099098333056 0 c 318 0.501176243111727 0.88579627973103 0 c 319 0.501176243111727 0.9 0 c 320 0.501176243111727 0.914102214088773 0 c 321 0.501176243111727 0.929332605304648 0 c 322 0.501176243111727 0.945781427817794 0 c 323 0.501176243111727 0.963546156131991 0 c 324 0.501176243111727 0.982732062711323 0 c 325 0.501176243111727 1.003452841817 0 c 326 0.501176243111727 1.02583128325114 0 c 327 0.501176243111727 1.05 0 c 328 0.501176243111727 1.075 0 c 329 0.501176243111727 1.1 0 c 330 0.501176243111727 1.19760307571216 0 c 331 0.501176243111727 1.30740653588834 0 c 332 0.501176243111727 1.43093542858653 0 c 333 0.501176243111727 1.56990543287201 0 c 334 0.501176243111727 1.72624668769317 0 c 335 0.501176243111727 1.90213059936697 0 c 336 0.501176243111727 2.1 0 c 337 0.918823112371499 0 0 c 338 0.918823112371499 0.1 0 c 339 0.918823112371499 0.2 0 c 340 0.918823112371499 0.3 0 c 341 0.918823112371499 0.4 0 c 342 0.918823112371499 0.5 0 c 343 0.918823112371499 0.525 0 c 344 0.918823112371499 0.55 0 c 345 0.918823112371499 0.574168716748864 0 c 346 0.918823112371499 0.596547158182998 0 c 347 0.918823112371499 0.617267937288677 0 c 348 0.918823112371499 0.636453843868009 0 c 349 0.918823112371499 0.654218572182206 0 c 350 0.918823112371499 0.670667394695352 0 c 351 0.918823112371499 0.685897785911227 0 c 352 0.918823112371499 0.7 0 c 353 0.918823112371499 0.71420372026897 0 c 354 0.918823112371499 0.725900901666944 0 c 355 0.918823112371499 0.735533874582924 0 c 356 0.918823112371499 0.743466911101966 0 c 357 0.918823112371499 0.75 0 c 358 0.918823112371499 0.757692307692308 0 c 359 0.918823112371499 0.765384615384616 0 c 360 0.918823112371499 0.773076923076923 0 c 361 0.918823112371499 0.780769230769231 0 c 362 0.918823112371499 0.788461538461539 0 c 363 0.918823112371499 0.796153846153846 0 c 364 0.918823112371499 0.803846153846154 0 c 365 0.918823112371499 0.811538461538462 0 c 366 0.918823112371499 0.81923076923077 0 c 367 0.918823112371499 0.826923076923077 0 c 368 0.918823112371499 0.834615384615385 0 c 369 0.918823112371499 0.842307692307693 0 c 370 0.918823112371499 0.85 0 c 371 0.918823112371499 0.856533088898035 0 c 372 0.918823112371499 0.864466125417076 0 c 373 0.918823112371499 0.874099098333056 0 c 374 0.918823112371499 0.88579627973103 0 c 375 0.918823112371499 0.9 0 c 376 0.918823112371499 0.914102214088773 0 c 377 0.918823112371499 0.929332605304648 0 c 378 0.918823112371499 0.945781427817794 0 c 379 0.918823112371499 0.963546156131991 0 c 380 0.918823112371499 0.982732062711323 0 c 381 0.918823112371499 1.003452841817 0 c 382 0.918823112371499 1.02583128325114 0 c 383 0.918823112371499 1.05 0 c 384 0.918823112371499 1.075 0 c 385 0.918823112371499 1.1 0 c 386 0.918823112371499 1.19760307571216 0 c 387 0.918823112371499 1.30740653588834 0 c 388 0.918823112371499 1.43093542858653 0 c 389 0.918823112371499 1.56990543287201 0 c 390 0.918823112371499 1.72624668769317 0 c 391 0.918823112371499 1.90213059936697 0 c 392 0.918823112371499 2.1 0 c 393 1.26686217008798 0 0 c 394 1.26686217008798 0.1 0 c 395 1.26686217008798 0.2 0 c 396 1.26686217008798 0.3 0 c 397 1.26686217008798 0.4 0 c 398 1.26686217008798 0.5 0 c 399 1.26686217008798 0.525 0 c 400 1.26686217008798 0.55 0 c 401 1.26686217008798 0.574168716748864 0 c 402 1.26686217008798 0.596547158182998 0 c 403 1.26686217008798 0.617267937288677 0 c 404 1.26686217008798 0.636453843868009 0 c 405 1.26686217008798 0.654218572182206 0 c 406 1.26686217008798 0.670667394695352 0 c 407 1.26686217008798 0.685897785911227 0 c 408 1.26686217008798 0.7 0 c 409 1.26686217008798 0.71420372026897 0 c 410 1.26686217008798 0.725900901666944 0 c 411 1.26686217008798 0.735533874582924 0 c 412 1.26686217008798 0.743466911101966 0 c 413 1.26686217008798 0.75 0 c 414 1.26686217008798 0.757692307692308 0 c 415 1.26686217008798 0.765384615384616 0 c 416 1.26686217008798 0.773076923076923 0 c 417 1.26686217008798 0.780769230769231 0 c 418 1.26686217008798 0.788461538461539 0 c 419 1.26686217008798 0.796153846153846 0 c 420 1.26686217008798 0.803846153846154 0 c 421 1.26686217008798 0.811538461538462 0 c 422 1.26686217008798 0.81923076923077 0 c 423 1.26686217008798 0.826923076923077 0 c 424 1.26686217008798 0.834615384615385 0 c 425 1.26686217008798 0.842307692307693 0 c 426 1.26686217008798 0.85 0 c 427 1.26686217008798 0.856533088898035 0 c 428 1.26686217008798 0.864466125417076 0 c 429 1.26686217008798 0.874099098333056 0 c 430 1.26686217008798 0.88579627973103 0 c 431 1.26686217008798 0.9 0 c 432 1.26686217008798 0.914102214088773 0 c 433 1.26686217008798 0.929332605304648 0 c 434 1.26686217008798 0.945781427817794 0 c 435 1.26686217008798 0.963546156131991 0 c 436 1.26686217008798 0.982732062711323 0 c 437 1.26686217008798 1.003452841817 0 c 438 1.26686217008798 1.02583128325114 0 c 439 1.26686217008798 1.05 0 c 440 1.26686217008798 1.075 0 c 441 1.26686217008798 1.1 0 c 442 1.26686217008798 1.19760307571216 0 c 443 1.26686217008798 1.30740653588834 0 c 444 1.26686217008798 1.43093542858653 0 c 445 1.26686217008798 1.56990543287201 0 c 446 1.26686217008798 1.72624668769317 0 c 447 1.26686217008798 1.90213059936697 0 c 448 1.26686217008798 2.1 0 c 449 1.55689471818504 0 0 c 450 1.55689471818504 0.1 0 c 451 1.55689471818504 0.2 0 c 452 1.55689471818504 0.3 0 c 453 1.55689471818504 0.4 0 c 454 1.55689471818504 0.5 0 c 455 1.55689471818504 0.525 0 c 456 1.55689471818504 0.55 0 c 457 1.55689471818504 0.574168716748864 0 c 458 1.55689471818504 0.596547158182998 0 c 459 1.55689471818504 0.617267937288677 0 c 460 1.55689471818504 0.636453843868009 0 c 461 1.55689471818504 0.654218572182206 0 c 462 1.55689471818504 0.670667394695352 0 c 463 1.55689471818504 0.685897785911227 0 c 464 1.55689471818504 0.7 0 c 465 1.55689471818504 0.71420372026897 0 c 466 1.55689471818504 0.725900901666944 0 c 467 1.55689471818504 0.735533874582924 0 c 468 1.55689471818504 0.743466911101966 0 c 469 1.55689471818504 0.75 0 c 470 1.55689471818504 0.757692307692308 0 c 471 1.55689471818504 0.765384615384616 0 c 472 1.55689471818504 0.773076923076923 0 c 473 1.55689471818504 0.780769230769231 0 c 474 1.55689471818504 0.788461538461539 0 c 475 1.55689471818504 0.796153846153846 0 c 476 1.55689471818504 0.803846153846154 0 c 477 1.55689471818504 0.811538461538462 0 c 478 1.55689471818504 0.81923076923077 0 c 479 1.55689471818504 0.826923076923077 0 c 480 1.55689471818504 0.834615384615385 0 c 481 1.55689471818504 0.842307692307693 0 c 482 1.55689471818504 0.85 0 c 483 1.55689471818504 0.856533088898035 0 c 484 1.55689471818504 0.864466125417076 0 c 485 1.55689471818504 0.874099098333056 0 c 486 1.55689471818504 0.88579627973103 0 c 487 1.55689471818504 0.9 0 c 488 1.55689471818504 0.914102214088773 0 c 489 1.55689471818504 0.929332605304648 0 c 490 1.55689471818504 0.945781427817794 0 c 491 1.55689471818504 0.963546156131991 0 c 492 1.55689471818504 0.982732062711323 0 c 493 1.55689471818504 1.003452841817 0 c 494 1.55689471818504 1.02583128325114 0 c 495 1.55689471818504 1.05 0 c 496 1.55689471818504 1.075 0 c 497 1.55689471818504 1.1 0 c 498 1.55689471818504 1.19760307571216 0 c 499 1.55689471818504 1.30740653588834 0 c 500 1.55689471818504 1.43093542858653 0 c 501 1.55689471818504 1.56990543287201 0 c 502 1.55689471818504 1.72624668769317 0 c 503 1.55689471818504 1.90213059936697 0 c 504 1.55689471818504 2.1 0 c 505 1.79858850826593 0 0 c 506 1.79858850826593 0.1 0 c 507 1.79858850826593 0.2 0 c 508 1.79858850826593 0.3 0 c 509 1.79858850826593 0.4 0 c 510 1.79858850826593 0.5 0 c 511 1.79858850826593 0.525 0 c 512 1.79858850826593 0.55 0 c 513 1.79858850826593 0.574168716748864 0 c 514 1.79858850826593 0.596547158182998 0 c 515 1.79858850826593 0.617267937288677 0 c 516 1.79858850826593 0.636453843868009 0 c 517 1.79858850826593 0.654218572182206 0 c 518 1.79858850826593 0.670667394695352 0 c 519 1.79858850826593 0.685897785911227 0 c 520 1.79858850826593 0.7 0 c 521 1.79858850826593 0.71420372026897 0 c 522 1.79858850826593 0.725900901666944 0 c 523 1.79858850826593 0.735533874582924 0 c 524 1.79858850826593 0.743466911101966 0 c 525 1.79858850826593 0.75 0 c 526 1.79858850826593 0.757692307692308 0 c 527 1.79858850826593 0.765384615384616 0 c 528 1.79858850826593 0.773076923076923 0 c 529 1.79858850826593 0.780769230769231 0 c 530 1.79858850826593 0.788461538461539 0 c 531 1.79858850826593 0.796153846153846 0 c 532 1.79858850826593 0.803846153846154 0 c 533 1.79858850826593 0.811538461538462 0 c 534 1.79858850826593 0.81923076923077 0 c 535 1.79858850826593 0.826923076923077 0 c 536 1.79858850826593 0.834615384615385 0 c 537 1.79858850826593 0.842307692307693 0 c 538 1.79858850826593 0.85 0 c 539 1.79858850826593 0.856533088898035 0 c 540 1.79858850826593 0.864466125417076 0 c 541 1.79858850826593 0.874099098333056 0 c 542 1.79858850826593 0.88579627973103 0 c 543 1.79858850826593 0.9 0 c 544 1.79858850826593 0.914102214088773 0 c 545 1.79858850826593 0.929332605304648 0 c 546 1.79858850826593 0.945781427817794 0 c 547 1.79858850826593 0.963546156131991 0 c 548 1.79858850826593 0.982732062711323 0 c 549 1.79858850826593 1.003452841817 0 c 550 1.79858850826593 1.02583128325114 0 c 551 1.79858850826593 1.05 0 c 552 1.79858850826593 1.075 0 c 553 1.79858850826593 1.1 0 c 554 1.79858850826593 1.19760307571216 0 c 555 1.79858850826593 1.30740653588834 0 c 556 1.79858850826593 1.43093542858653 0 c 557 1.79858850826593 1.56990543287201 0 c 558 1.79858850826593 1.72624668769317 0 c 559 1.79858850826593 1.90213059936697 0 c 560 1.79858850826593 2.1 0 c 561 2 0 0 c 562 2 0.1 0 c 563 2 0.2 0 c 564 2 0.3 0 c 565 2 0.4 0 c 566 2 0.5 0 c 567 2 0.525 0 c 568 2 0.55 0 c 569 2 0.574168716748864 0 c 570 2 0.596547158182998 0 c 571 2 0.617267937288677 0 c 572 2 0.636453843868009 0 c 573 2 0.654218572182206 0 c 574 2 0.670667394695352 0 c 575 2 0.685897785911227 0 c 576 2 0.7 0 c 577 2 0.71420372026897 0 c 578 2 0.725900901666944 0 c 579 2 0.735533874582924 0 c 580 2 0.743466911101966 0 c 581 2 0.75 0 c 582 2 0.757692307692308 0 c 583 2 0.765384615384616 0 c 584 2 0.773076923076923 0 c 585 2 0.780769230769231 0 c 586 2 0.788461538461539 0 c 587 2 0.796153846153846 0 c 588 2 0.803846153846154 0 c 589 2 0.811538461538462 0 c 590 2 0.81923076923077 0 c 591 2 0.826923076923077 0 c 592 2 0.834615384615385 0 c 593 2 0.842307692307693 0 c 594 2 0.85 0 c 595 2 0.856533088898035 0 c 596 2 0.864466125417076 0 c 597 2 0.874099098333056 0 c 598 2 0.88579627973103 0 c 599 2 0.9 0 c 600 2 0.914102214088773 0 c 601 2 0.929332605304648 0 c 602 2 0.945781427817794 0 c 603 2 0.963546156131991 0 c 604 2 0.982732062711323 0 c 605 2 1.003452841817 0 c 606 2 1.02583128325114 0 c 607 2 1.05 0 c 608 2 1.075 0 c 609 2 1.1 0 c 610 2 1.19760307571216 0 c 611 2 1.30740653588834 0 c 612 2 1.43093542858653 0 c 613 2 1.56990543287201 0 c 614 2 1.72624668769317 0 c 615 2 1.90213059936697 0 c 616 2 2.1 0 c 617 2.2 0 0 c 618 2.2 0.1 0 c 619 2.2 0.2 0 c 620 2.2 0.3 0 c 621 2.2 0.4 0 c 622 2.2 0.5 0 c 623 2.2 0.525 0 c 624 2.2 0.55 0 c 625 2.2 0.574168716748864 0 c 626 2.2 0.596547158182998 0 c 627 2.2 0.617267937288677 0 c 628 2.2 0.636453843868009 0 c 629 2.2 0.654218572182206 0 c 630 2.2 0.670667394695352 0 c 631 2.2 0.685897785911227 0 c 632 2.2 0.7 0 c 633 2.2 0.71420372026897 0 c 634 2.2 0.725900901666944 0 c 635 2.2 0.735533874582924 0 c 636 2.2 0.743466911101966 0 c 637 2.2 0.75 0 c 638 2.2 0.757692307692308 0 c 639 2.2 0.765384615384616 0 c 640 2.2 0.773076923076923 0 c 641 2.2 0.780769230769231 0 c 642 2.2 0.788461538461539 0 c 643 2.2 0.796153846153846 0 c 644 2.2 0.803846153846154 0 c 645 2.2 0.811538461538462 0 c 646 2.2 0.81923076923077 0 c 647 2.2 0.826923076923077 0 c 648 2.2 0.834615384615385 0 c 649 2.2 0.842307692307693 0 c 650 2.2 0.85 0 c 651 2.2 0.856533088898035 0 c 652 2.2 0.864466125417076 0 c 653 2.2 0.874099098333056 0 c 654 2.2 0.88579627973103 0 c 655 2.2 0.9 0 c 656 2.2 0.914102214088773 0 c 657 2.2 0.929332605304648 0 c 658 2.2 0.945781427817794 0 c 659 2.2 0.963546156131991 0 c 660 2.2 0.982732062711323 0 c 661 2.2 1.003452841817 0 c 662 2.2 1.02583128325114 0 c 663 2.2 1.05 0 c 664 2.2 1.075 0 c 665 2.2 1.1 0 c 666 2.2 1.19760307571216 0 c 667 2.2 1.30740653588834 0 c 668 2.2 1.43093542858653 0 c 669 2.2 1.56990543287201 0 c 670 2.2 1.72624668769317 0 c 671 2.2 1.90213059936697 0 c 672 2.2


. Obtain I anode-V anode characteristics. Make your own choice of the concrete values based on your knowledge of semiconductor devices. What is the threshold voltage (VT)?


MOSFETs are used extensively in integrated circuits, especially in applications where high voltage is involved. But what is their operating principle? In this article we will explain how an MOSFET works and discuss some important questions related to it.

. Obtain I anode-V anode characteristics. Make your own choice of the concrete values based on your knowledge of semiconductor devices. What is the threshold voltage (VT)?

Obtain I anode-V anode characteristics. Make your own choice of the concrete values based on your knowledge of semiconductor devices. What is the threshold voltage (VT)?

In a friendly tone:

. Why does I D(at > 0.4 V) increase very quickly? Which physical parameter plays a role here?

The MOSFET is in the subthreshold region and its voltage-dependent characteristics are of great importance for its operation. The subthreshold slope factor, K, is very large (e.g., 20 to 100), which means that it takes only a small change in voltage to cause a large current through a channel. This is because K=V/I so that an increase in V causes an increase in I and vice versa; this is also known as “voltage swing.”

The other important parameter here is R S (subthreshold resistance). It can be calculated from Eqn (1) by using expressions for R D , R L , R C , K, V T , and I D :

. Set VT to 0 and try different values for the slope factor, K. What would you use as a typical value?

The slope factor, K, is the slope of the curve. It is a function of doping level, channel length and width. It can also be affected by gate oxide thickness; however, this effect is not significant compared to other factors that affect its value.

. Increase slope factor, K, to 10 mA/V2 and decrease VT until I D crosses the vertical axis at zero drain bias; what is VT then?

If you increase the slope factor, K, to 10 mA/V2 and decrease VT until I D crosses the vertical axis at zero drain bias; what is VT then?

VT will be negative. The drain current will be zero and the drain voltage will also be zero.

. Use a logarithmic scale for drain current and drain-source voltage. What do you observe when you go from negative to positive drain bias?

In order to use the exponential scale, you need to know how much drain current increases with a change in source voltage. In this case, it is not linear but logarithmic. The graph below shows what happens when you go from negative to positive bias:

When we switch from a negative to positive bias, we observe that the drain current increases linearly with time at first and then becomes larger before leveling off at some point later on (the red line). This means that there is no change in magnitude between both cases; instead there is just an increase or decrease depending on whether your gate voltage was applied as +V or -V.

. Repeat steps 1-5 for reverse bias in the same graph. Try to explain the differences between forward and backward characteristics of MOSFETs.

To avoid confusion, you should use a logarithmic scale for drain current and drain-source voltage. For example, if you are using 1 V as the source voltage, then your graph should be at negative 1 V on the left side of the graph and positive 1 V on top of it.

When going from negative bias to positive bias in an MOSFET, what do you observe? Try to explain what happens when your circuit has different voltages applied at both ends of its gate electrode.


In this article, we have looked at the basics of how MOSFETs work. We have seen how the device works, what its main parameters are and how they influence each other. We have also looked at a simple way to calculate threshold voltage (VT) using an equation that is based on Ohm’s law and Kirchhoff’s laws for capacitances C1 and C2 in series with drain-source resistance rd from which both V D(at ) and I D(at ) can be calculated for different possible values of these variables.