Chat with us, powered by LiveChat In a short paragraph describe one condition or disease that affect the central Nervous System and a short description of it treatment option. - Writingforyou

In a short paragraph describe one condition or disease that affect the central Nervous System and a short description of it treatment option.

In a short paragraph describe one condition or disease that affect the central Nervous System and a short description of it treatment option.


describe one condition or disease that affect the central Nervous System and a short description of it treatment option.


The central nervous system is the part of our brain and body that controls movement, sensation and cognition. There are many diseases or conditions that affect this system. One such condition is multiple sclerosis (MS), which causes damage to one or more areas in the brain and spinal cord. The cause of MS is unknown but there are things people can do to help reduce their risk of getting it: quitting smoking; eating a healthy diet rich in fruits, vegetables and whole grains; exercising regularly; getting enough sleep; avoiding alcohol consumption while pregnant or breastfeeding…

Central nervous system.

The central nervous system is the part of the human nervous system that controls all the functions of your body. It also includes the brain and spinal cord, which are protected by bone in humans.

The brain is a soft mass inside your head that contains about 100 billion cells called neurons (nerve cells). These neurons send signals to each other through synapses (connections), creating patterns that allow you to think, feel and react to things around you. The hippocampus is responsible for creating memories while other areas control movement, coordination and balance among other things

A short description of it treatment option.

If you’re looking to get a better understanding of the central nervous system and how it works, this article is for you. The central nervous system (CNS) is the network of nerves in your body that controls your body functions. It includes both motor nerves and sensory nerves, which send messages to different parts of your nervous system to make sure they work properly.

The brain is located at the base of this network, but it also extends from there down through both sides of your spinal cord into each arm and leg; from there all over your body! The brain contains billions of neurons (nerve cells), which connect together through synapses—the space between two neurons where chemical signals are passed along electrical impulses by way of neurotransmitters (neurotransmitters) released into those spaces between neurons when stimulated by other neurons across time periods called intervals called trains; these trains then travel through white matter along with axons from their cell bodies until reaching target locations within another part called gray matter where they release chemicals causing physiological responses such as muscle movement or contraction/relaxation cycles which cause changes in heart rate etc..

describe one condition or disease that affect the central Nervous System and a short description of it treatment option.

You can describe one condition or disease that affect the central Nervous System and a short description of it treatment option.


The central nervous system is the part of the nervous system that controls movement and communication. It also affects how we feel emotionally and cognitively. There are many types of diseases or conditions that affect this part of our body, but drug therapy usually has limited success because it does not address the underlying cause in most cases.