Chat with us, powered by LiveChat Hello Time Travelers: We have done a lot of exploring thorough past civilizations these last few weeks. For this forum I want you to give one final report. Tell us of your favorite expe - Writingforyou

Hello Time Travelers: We have done a lot of exploring thorough past civilizations these last few weeks. For this forum I want you to give one final report. Tell us of your favorite expe

 Hello Time Travelers:

We have done a lot of exploring thorough past civilizations these last few weeks. For this forum I want you to give one final report. Tell us of your favorite experience of the past and why you think that event, place, person, or thing was significant to our understanding of that civilization.

***Topic Will Be the Life of Mohammed and the Spread of Islam**


***Topic Will Be the Life of Mohammed and the Spread of Islam**


The life of Mohammed is a fascinating one. He was born about 570 CE in Mecca and died in 632 in Medina. He was orphaned at an early age and raised by his paternal uncle, Abu Talib who brought him up as a son, although he was not very well off financially. Mohammed spent many years of his youth living on the outskirts of the desert with Bedouin tribes learning their way of life. After several years living like this, he finally married Khadija around 595 when he was 25; they fell in love and had four daughters together but only one son lived to adulthood!

Mohammed was born about 570 CE in Mecca and died in 632 in Medina. He was orphaned at an early age.

Mohammed was born about 570 CE in Mecca, Saudi Arabia. He was orphaned at an early age and brought up by an uncle who was a merchant. During his youth, he lived with Bedouin tribes in the deserts of Arabia.

Mohammed became a merchant before becoming a religious leader and prophet for Muslims (people who follow Islam). He had no formal education or training as a prophet; instead he learned by observation and listening to others’ experiences while traveling through Mecca where people would gather to trade goods among each other

Mohammed had a paternal uncle named Abu Talib who brought him up as a son, although he was not very well off financially. Mohammed spent many years of his youth living on the outskirts of the desert with Bedouin tribes, learning their way of life.

Mohammed had a paternal uncle named Abu Talib who brought him up as a son, although he was not very well off financially. Mohammed spent many years of his youth living on the outskirts of the desert with Bedouin tribes, learning their way of life.

The first sign that something big was about to happen came when Mohammad was about thirty years old. He had left Mecca and moved to Medina where he began preaching Islam (the religion based on teachings from Muhammad).

Mohammed got married to the widow of one of his uncles around 595 when he was 25. His wife’s name was Khadija and she was 15 years older than him. They fell in love and had four daughters and two sons together, but only one son lived to adulthood.

Mohammed got married to the widow of one of his uncles around 595 when he was 25. His wife’s name was Khadija and she was 15 years older than him. They fell in love and had four daughters and two sons together, but only one son lived to adulthood.

Mohammed had a very successful business selling leather goods in Medina so he didn’t have much time for marriage or family life until after his business started getting really big. Then he had this idea that if you prayed hard enough God would send a miracle down from heaven so people would come back and buy more stuff from him! So that’s what happened!

Mohammed often retreated to a cave near Mecca to meditate and contemplate the nature of existence and during that time he received revelations which he said were from Allah (the Arabic word for God) which later came to be compiled in their present form as the Koran. The first revelation came in 610 CE when he was 40 years old.

The Koran is the holy book of Islam. It is a collection of revelations that Mohammed received from God, which he said were inspired by Allah (the Arabic word for God).

The word “Koran” means recitation, and this refers to how it was first revealed: as he sat meditating in a cave near Mecca, Mohammed would recite aloud what he felt was inspiration from Allah. These passages are called suras or chapters; there are 605 such chapters in all.

Mohammed’s revelations were based on a belief that there is only one true god — Allah — who is universal and has no partners. All other gods are false idols. He preached this message publicly beginning in 613 CE, resulting in conflict with the leaders of Mecca who thought it would threaten their control over people under their influence, especially since they were polytheistic pagans whose main source of income came from pilgrims visiting local shrines dedicated to pagan gods.

Mohammed was born about 570 CE in Mecca and died in 632 in Medina. He was orphaned at an early age, so he lived with his uncle Abu Talib until he became old enough to support himself.

Mohammed had a paternal uncle named Abu Talib who brought him up as a son, although he was not very well off financially.


The spread of Islam was not as easy as it seems. Mohammed’s message was not accepted by all people, especially those who were deeply involved in the traditions of their culture or religion. Even though he preached love and peace, he often used violence to spread his message. He killed those who opposed him or would not join his cause and many others were enslaved for being non-believers.