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By covering the ideas of business architecture, strategic planning, managing cross-functional or remote teams, types of leadership, and how technology is an integral foundation on which m

By covering the ideas of business architecture, strategic planning, managing cross-functional or remote teams, types of leadership, and how technology is an integral foundation on which modern business operates. 

Based on your own current experience, how are you, or the company you work for, currently dealing with the sometimes dramatic and longer term changes that are occurring in our current national and global business environments? 


Note: 250 words with intext citations and 2 references needed must.


By covering the ideas of business architecture, strategic planning, managing cross-functional or remote teams, types of leadership, and how technology is an integral foundation on which modern business operates.


In today’s business landscape, there are many different leadership styles, and it’s important to understand what makes a good leader. Whether you’re managing remote teams or leading cross-functional projects, there are many techniques that can help you become more effective. In this article we’ll cover some of the basic foundations of good business leadership so that you can develop your own skillset as well as become an effective leader in your workplace!

How Do You Define ‘Business Leadership’?

In order to lead, you need to know how to influence the behavior of others. This means that business leaders need to be skilled in both the art and science of getting people along with their ideas—and then keeping them on board when it’s time for a project or product launch.

Good leadership skills include:

  • Motivation – The ability of leaders who motivate others through positive reinforcement (praise) as well as negative reinforcement (discipline).

  • Inspiration – The ability for leaders who inspire others through vision and passion for their company’s mission/vision/goals/etc., whether those goals align with yours or not!

What Are the Types of Leadership?

There are many different types of leadership. Understanding these different types of leadership can help you to become a better leader and understand how to use them in your business.

There are two main types of leadership: command and consensus-based. Command-based leaders tend to be more aggressive than consensus-based leaders, but also have less patience for ambiguity or disagreement among their team members. Consensus-based leaders have more patience for ambiguity or disagreement among their team members because they don’t want anyone on the team feeling like they’re being forced into doing something by someone else’s will (command).

The best way to learn more about each type of leader is by reading books about it! The following books discuss both command- and consensus-based styles:

What Makes a Good Leader?

A good leader is able to understand and motivate others. They are empathetic, effective communicators and inspire their team members to work in a cohesive way across various departments or locations. A good leader also knows how to manage conflict effectively while delegating responsibility. Lastly, they lead by example; this means that leaders must set an example for their employees by being productive themselves first before expecting others who follow suit because if you don’t do it yourself then why should anyone else?

How Should I Develop My Business Leadership Skills?

You can’t be a great leader if you don’t know how to lead.

You need to learn about leadership styles and how they work in your organization, as well as how you personally make decisions on a daily basis. This will help you understand what motivates others, which enables them to work better together with you. If someone is not motivated by an idea or project that has been presented, then he or she may not be interested in contributing much toward its success either!

Once these skills are mastered and understood by all members of the team (whether remote or not), then there will be less conflict within the organization due those involved feeling confident enough about their ability now knowing exactly where everyone stands with regards communication needs so all parties involved feel comfortable speaking openly without fear of being judged harshly due lack understanding between parties involved.”

It’s important to understand the basics of good business leadership

Business leadership is an essential skill for any organization. A leader’s job is to make sure that the company is running effectively and efficiently, while providing opportunities for employees to succeed as well.

There are many ways you can develop your business leadership skills:

  • Establishing clear goals for your team

  • Creating an environment where people feel comfortable sharing ideas and opinions with each other (this applies especially if there are multiple teams in different locations)

  • Being patient with yourself—you’ll never achieve perfection!


As you can see, there are many different types of business leadership and it is important to develop your own style. The best way to do this is through practice. Once you have identified which type of leadership works best for you, try out different approaches until they become second nature!