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Analyze John Wooden's Pyramid of Success and identify the aspects with which you agree and disagree. Provide a rationale for each aspect.


  1. Analyze John Wooden’s Pyramid of Success and identify the aspects with which you agree and disagree. Provide a rationale for each aspect.
Analyze John Wooden's Pyramid of Success and identify the aspects with which you agree and disagree. 


John Wooden never coached a team without a pyramid. He had one in his office and one in the locker room of every team he coached. In fact, Coach Wooden believed that 99% of success was derived from being prepared for any situation that might come up during a game or practice. His Pyramid of Success is a set of guidelines created by John Wooden, the legendary UCLA basketball coach who won 10 national championships using his concepts. His pyramid is something that has influenced not only his own career but also many people in life and business outside of sports as well. When Coach Wooden began building his Pyramid of Success in 1948, he started with fifteen building blocks. He then refined those to thirteen qualities that he believed to be indispensable for success when dealing with people….

If you were to ask two students what it takes to be successful in a class, you would likely get two different answers. While one student may say that doing well academically is the primary concern, another student might talk about physical activities and sports.

In this section, you will analyze the Pyramid of Success and identify the aspects with which you agree and disagree.

You should begin by identifying a problem that needs to be solved in order for your assignment to be successful. For example, if one student says that doing well academically is the primary concern while another student talks about physical activities and sports as more important aspects of success, what would make sense? You may also want to consider other issues related to this topic such as whether or not there are differences between men’s and women’s roles in society; if so, how significant they are; if not, why do we still see these differences today?

John Wooden’s Pyramid of Success is a set of guidelines created by John Wooden, the legendary UCLA basketball coach who won 10 national championships using his concepts. His pyramid is something that has influenced not only his own career but also many people in life and business outside of sports as well.

John Wooden is the legendary UCLA basketball coach who won 10 national championships using his concepts. His pyramid is something that has influenced not only his own career but also many people in life and business outside of sports as well.

His Pyramid of Success:

  • 1st Level – You have a vision for yourself and your goals, which inspires you to work hard at achieving them. You are working towards something bigger than yourself, which gives purpose to everything you do and makes it more enjoyable overall when achieved. This level also helps us understand what kind of person we want to become by helping us realize how important this journey will be for our lives moving forward (or backward).

When Coach Wooden began building his Pyramid of Success in 1948, he started with fifteen building blocks. He then refined those to thirteen qualities that he believed to be indispensable for success when dealing with people. Later still, he developed the final version with sixteen building blocks that remain today. Those blocks are broken up into five categories under the following headings: competitive greatness, friendship, loyalty, cooperation, and conditioning.

Coach Wooden began building his Pyramid of Success in 1948, when he started with fifteen building blocks. He then refined those to thirteen qualities that he believed to be indispensable for success when dealing with people. Later still, he developed the final version with sixteen building blocks that remain today. Those blocks are broken up into five categories under the following headings: competitive greatness, friendship, loyalty, cooperation and conditioning.

In addition to these elements being important skillsets for leaders everywhere (and indeed we can say they are), there are specific reasons why these particular qualities should be included in any leadership curriculum:

  • Competitive greatness – this refers specifically to confidence and self-esteem; knowing “who you are” so well that others know it too! A leader’s ability show up on stage as if they were an extension of themselves rather than someone else playing a role. They must be able speak clearly about their own achievements while also being able communicate how their actions will help other people achieve their goals as well – no matter what stage in life we’re talking about here! If someone asked me what my favorite attribute was about myself? I’d probably say “confidence” but maybe not exactly like this…

Building Block #1 – Industriousness – This is one of the cornerstones of the pyramid. This means simply doing your best at all times and being prepared to do so. “Be prepared.”

The first Building Block of the Pyramid is Industriousness. This means simply doing your best at all times and being prepared to do so. “Be prepared.”

In order to be industrious, you must be organized and productive. You also need to be disciplined enough not to procrastinate or waste time on things that aren’t necessary for success in life and business because those habits will cost you money in the long run, both in terms of wasted effort as well as lost opportunities.

Building Block #2 – Friendship – Being a good friend to others and having good friends yourself will help you succeed in any endeavor. The best way to become a good friend is to treat others as you would want them to treat you.

Being a good friend to others and having good friends yourself will help you succeed in any endeavor. The best way to become a good friend is to treat others as you would want them to treat you.

A mirror reflects back what it sees, so if someone treats you poorly or disrespectfully, they are giving off an image of themselves that is not reflective of their true nature or character. As such, people who have similar attitudes and beliefs should be able to understand each other because they share those qualities too! Similarly if candles light up your life and make it easier for you see things clearly then they must have some sort of value – which means there must also be something worth seeing! Plants bring joy into our lives by enriching us with beauty & color; without them life wouldn’t be complete without these simple pleasures!


Hopefully, you can see how each of these building blocks contributes to the overall success of your career. Each one represents a key component to achieving success in life and business. If you don’t have time for all sixteen building blocks, pick the ones that resonate with you most on an individual basis and make sure to put those into practice every day. With that said, we encourage everyone out there who is interested in becoming successful at anything—from sports or academics—to take some time each week and review their progress from last week as well as set goals for upcoming weeks ahead!