Chat with us, powered by LiveChat Reflect on this definition and then define theory in your own words in your discussion post. Explain how both theories and research can have practical applications in work with families - Writingforyou

Reflect on this definition and then define theory in your own words in your discussion post. Explain how both theories and research can have practical applications in work with families


  1. Reflect on this definition and then define theory in your own words in your discussion post.
  2. Explain how both theories and research can have practical applications in work with families.
  3. In thinking about the application of research and theory to understanding families and development, which is more meaningful in your opinion: conclusions derived from individual research studies or scientific theories? In other words, which do you think can best help families live more fulfilling lives, theories, or research? Justify your position using information from your text.
  4. Finally, critique two classmates’ posts who take an alternative perspective on the matter of research vs. theory that you discussed in #3. Cite your text to support your position.

Reflect on this definition and then define theory in your own words in your discussion post.


A theory is a set of linked concepts that offers an explanation of why or how events occur. A theory suggests relationships between two or more concepts and provides a way to understand why certain events occur. Theories are used to organize and predict behaviors or events, as well as explain things like the force behind many natural phenomena, such as earthquakes and hurricanes.

A theory is a set of linked concepts that offers an explanation of why or how events occur. A theory suggests relationships between two or more concepts and provides a way to understand why certain events occur. Theories are used to organize and predict behaviors or events.

A theory is a set of linked concepts that offers an explanation of why or how events occur. A theory suggests relationships between two or more concepts and provides a way to understand why certain events occur. Theories are used to organize and predict behaviors or events.

A scientific explanation can be expressed using the following format:

The event (e) occurred because (a) caused by (b), which led to (c).

Characteristics of a Theory

Systematic: A theory is systematic if it can be logically deduced from a set of premises. It must also be internally consistent and logically coherent, as well as empirically testable (or verifiable).

Logical: The theory must make sense with regard to the world we live in.

Empirically testable: For example, if you want to know whether or not your car’s engine is turning over properly, then you need an empirical test that can demonstrate if this happens or not. If there is no way for us humans to prove whether something has happened—or even if it did happen—then there’s no way we could ever know anything about it!

Systematic; Internally consistent; Logical, based on premises; Empirically testable (or verifiable); Falsifiable, refutable, or contestable; Parsimonious (as simple as possible); Generalizable; Based on data from research; Useful for practice.

Theory is systematic.

It’s internally consistent.

It’s logically, empirically testable (or verifiable), falsifiable, refutable or contestable.

Parsimonious (as simple as possible).

A theory is a set of linked concepts that offers an explanation of why or how events occur.

A theory is a set of linked concepts that offers an explanation of why or how events occur. In other words, it explains the relationship between two or more concepts. Theories provide a way to understand why certain events occur and can guide us in our actions and decisions when faced with similar situations in the future.

For example: The theory of gravity states that objects fall towards Earth because they are attracted by its gravitational pull; this means that if you throw an object into space and then release it (in space), it will fall back down towards Earth because there is nothing else pulling it away from Earth—therefore, gravity remains constant throughout all timescales!


The theory of a system is the set of concepts and relationships that explain how the system works. When you ask someone why something happens, they will often tell you a story about their system.