Chat with us, powered by LiveChat In this forum, discuss some weaknesses and strengths you possess as a communicator and as a critical thinker.?? First, discuss the way and style?that you communicate with people. Do a - Writingforyou

In this forum, discuss some weaknesses and strengths you possess as a communicator and as a critical thinker.?? First, discuss the way and style?that you communicate with people. Do a


You will complete one Forum for each Lesson.  Each Forum will be worth 30 points.  You will receive 20 points for your original forum post and 5 points each for your two peer posts.  For the original post, I expect two good paragraphs, a good paragraph being 8-12 sentences with unity, coherence, and authentic reflection.  Your two peer posts should be one good paragraph each. 

Assignment Directions:

In this forum, discuss some weaknesses and strengths you possess as a communicator and as a critical thinker.  

First, discuss the way and style that you communicate with people. Do a little analysis of your communication style and talk about the successful things for you in the way you communicate and also some of the shortcomings that occur with your particular style. What one thing would you like to improve in your communication style?

Finally, consider your strengths and weaknesses as a critical thinker.  Use the “Cognitive and Perceptual Errors in Thinking” (pages 119-129) and the “Social Errors and Biases” (pages 130-134) sections of the text to inform your response.  What areas are your strengths and in what areas do you need to improve?

For “A” work in your Forum, did you:

  • Write two full paragraphs (a full section being at least 8-12 sentences) for your original post.
  • Write one full paragraph for each of your two peer replies.
  • Proofread your writing to make sure it is unified and coherent.
  • Revise your writing to make sure it is free of grammatical errors that detract and distract from your ideas and thoughts.
  • Respond with sincerity and civility.
  • Speak from an authentic and interesting voice.
discuss some weaknesses and strengths you possess as a communicator and as a critical thinker.


Communication is a key component in any business. It’s important to be able to effectively communicate your ideas and concerns, whether you’re with your team or on an individual basis. However, there are many different ways of communicating: written or verbal; formal or informal; etc. In this article I’ll discuss some of the ways in which I can communicate my ideas and concerns effectively as well as focus on some weaknesses that might hinder me from doing so successfully.


As a communicator, you are the person who listens to others and understands what they are saying. You also understand the message behind it, as well as its purpose.

You need to be able to listen closely and identify any negative aspects of what is being said (such as tone or body language), which can help you correct these issues before they become big problems down the road.

Critical thinker

Critical thinking is a way of thinking that helps you to analyze information and ideas. It involves using logic, reasoning, and evidence to evaluate claims and arguments. Critical thinking skills can be learned by anyone who seeks knowledge in any field—whether they are students at school or adults working full-time outside the home.

Critical thinkers learn how to interpret data so they can make sense of what is happening around them; they also learn how to interpret other people’s actions so they can better understand their motives; finally (but not least), critical thinkers develop an awareness of the consequences of their own actions or those around them for others as well as themselves!

discuss some weaknesses and strengths you possess as a communicator and as a critical thinker.

Talk about some of your weaknesses as a communicator and as a critical thinker.

Describe your strengths in both areas.


So there we have it. A quick rundown of your strengths and weaknesses as a communicator and a critical thinker. This is just a brief overview of the two traits, but hopefully it will help you figure out how best to use them in your career or personal life. Remember that not all people are good at both traits—but if you can master one or the other, that’s still pretty useful! We hope this article has given you some insight into what makes up these important aspects of life, as well as some ideas for improving yourself on both fronts.