Chat with us, powered by LiveChat Create ?a ?PowerPoint ?presentation ?(15 ?slides) that summarizes or provides an overview of the information in your assigned case study. Focus on making the presentation interesting to - Writingforyou

Create ?a ?PowerPoint ?presentation ?(15 ?slides) that summarizes or provides an overview of the information in your assigned case study. Focus on making the presentation interesting to

 Create  a  PowerPoint  presentation  (15  slides)
that summarizes or provides an overview of the information in your assigned case study. Focus
on making the presentation interesting to your audience—do not get too detailed.  
The content of the presentation must include the following points:
 A summary of the case study –what happened?
 Who’s involved?
 Give  a  brief  overview  of  the  company  –  Who  are  they?    What  are  the  main  products?  
Prepare a five year analysis of either their total revenue, net income or earnings per share
based  on  the  information  filed  with  the  SEC.  (This  information  must  be  in  the  form  of
graphs and charts)
 What does the company’s current and future business prospects look like?
Important Procedures and Expectations for All Students:
1. Create an agenda slide that follows your first slide—the title slide.
2. At  the  beginning  of  the  presentation  you  must  provide  the  audience  with  a  brief  formal
introduction of yourself and any helpful information concerning your personal background.
3. All slides should be numbered
4. Your presentation should be a min of 5 minutes and a max of 10 minutes in length and you
should be ready to respond to two questions from your audience.
PROJECT COMPETENCIES: Critical Thinking, Oral Communication, Technological
Expertise, and Positive Work Ethic.
Critical  Thinking:    Each  student  will  determine  through  critical  thought  the  appropriate  mix  of
techniques to use in preparing a visually creative and appealing presentation.
Oral  Communication:    Each  student  will  orally  present  his/her  work.    Plan  a  minimum  of  five
minutes for each presentation
Technical  Expertise:    The  presentation  will  demonstrate  the  level  of  technological  expertise
achieved in using PowerPoint software
Positive  Work  Ethic:    Student  displays  ability  to  work  in  groups,  displays  a  positive  attitude
towards others.
Information Literacy:  Student will use knowledge of research techniques to support information
needs for the presentation.
References:: Minimum of three (3) references 

 Each  presentation  has  to  contain  12  slides  not  including  the  Title  Slide  and  the  Agenda  slide.
with the following layouts and enhancements.  Except for the title slid and agenda, these slides
need not be in any particular order:  
1 Title slide (first slide)
2 Agenda (second slide)
3 Bulleted List
4 Object (Bar Chart/Graph)
5 Object over text (or text over object)
6 Organizational Chart/Diagram
7 Table (enhanced)
8 Text and Clip Art (Graphic)
9 Two Column Text
10 Two Objects and Text
11 Add Photo as Slide Background
12 Source Text Boxes  – 3D effect
13 Pie Chart (Exploding with Leader Lines)
Each presentation has to incorporate the following techniques:
 Apply Design template (or Custom Background)
 Insert page numbers on all slides ( except the Title Slide)
 Insert Page numbers on Handout Notes
 Insert  a  Hyperlink  to  a  document  of  your  choice  in  relation  to  the  topic  of  your  presentation  (do
not link to the Internet)
 Apply slide transition.
 Apply custom animation, animations schemes to text, objects and clipart, graphics.
 Dimming Effect to text on at least two slides
 Limited sound effects
 Citation of sources on  the slide (minimum three sources)
 Speaker Notes
 Seven  by  Seven  (7X7)  rule  must  apply.  (Each  slide  should  have  a  max  of  7  lines,  and  each  line
should have a max of 7 words.
Each presentation must have a hard copy of speaker notes which correspond to the delivery of
the  presentation.    On  the  speaker  notes  indicate  the  layout,  enhancement  and  technique  being
used and the number of the slide. 


 Give a brief overview of the company – Who are they? What are the main products?


Samsung is a multinational company that was founded in 1938. It has operations in over 100 countries, employs over 120,000 people and has annual revenue of around $230 billion. The company develops products including televisions and smartphones, as well as semiconductors used in computers and mobile phones.

 Samsung is a multinational company that was founded in 1938.

Samsung is a multinational company that was founded in 1938. It has its headquarters in Seoul, South Korea and is the largest smartphone maker in the world, as well as being one of the largest television makers and memory chip makers.

Samsung also makes displays for televisions; however, their main focus is on electronics like smartphones and laptops.

 What is their market capitalization?

Market capitalization is a measure of size and not profitability. It’s calculated by multiplying the current share price by the number of shares outstanding. The total market cap of a company is equal to its total value, which includes both debt and equity (i.e., common stock).

For example: if you own 100 shares worth $1 each and your current trading price is $10 per share, then your total investment would be $1,000 ($10 x 100 shares). In this case we would say that this particular company has a market cap of $100 million since it has more than 1 billion dollars worth of assets under management at any given time!

 What is their annual revenue?

Samsung has an annual revenue of $179 billion, which is from their mobile phone division. This includes both Samsung Electronics and Samsung Display (the company’s OLED display panel business).

In addition to this, it also has a semiconductor division that makes chips for smartphones and other devices. It also has a consumer electronics division that makes TVs, refrigerators and washing machines among other things!

 How many employees do they have, and where are they based?

How many employees do they have, and where are they based?

If you are interested in a job with this company, it’s good to know how many people work there so that you can get an idea of the size of the operation. If you don’t know someone who works there, ask them for some information about the company’s operations. You could also ask for a list of all employees by name and title; this will help show if there are any key positions within the organization (such as CEO or CFO).

 What are the main products being developed?

SEGA is famous for their video game consoles, which include the Dreamcast and the Mega Drive. The company also developed games such as Sonic the Hedgehog, Shenmue and Hatsune Miku. They are currently developing a new console called SEGA Dreamcast 2 (a successor to the original machine).

 How many subsidiaries do they have, and what do those companies do?

Samsung is a multinational company that was founded in 1938. It is the largest South Korean electronics and information technology company, headquartered in Suwon, South Korea. The conglomerate’s diverse product range includes smartphones, televisions, washing machines and refrigerators; semiconductors; chemical products; IT solutions such as servers and software; health care systems (such as hospitals); robotics equipment like robots for home use or manufacturing purposes; aircraft engines etcetera .

Samsung Electronics’ main assets include semiconductor plants located across China and India along with research centers spread across Europe & USA too!

 Are there any new products being released or currently in development?

Are there any new products being released or currently in development?

What is the new product?

When will it be released, and what is the expected impact on the company?

A brief look at SEGA

SEGA is a Japanese video game publisher and developer based in Tokyo, Japan. They have released dozens of games for home consoles and handhelds in the past 20 years, including Sonic the Hedgehog (1991), NiGHTS into Dreams… (1994), Virtua Fighter 2 (1996), Phantasy Star II (1988), Altered Beast (1989) and more recently Valkyria Chronicles 4.

Sega’s core business is making video games; however they also publish music CDs featuring popular artists such as Hatsune Miku or Kagamine Rin/Len. In recent years they’ve been diversifying their portfolio with new ventures into music streaming services like Spotify Playlist Radio & SoundCloud Playlist Radio & Youtube Music Key – all powered by their own SEGA platform which includes social networking features such as Twitter integration!

The company has around 6000 employees worldwide who work across four business units: Games Publishing Businesses Creative Contents Licensing Platforms Digital Entertainment Development


Samsung is a multinational company that was founded in 1938. What is their market capitalization? $335 billion

What is their annual revenue? $155 billion

How many employees do they have, and where are they based? 1.9 million employees worldwide

What are the main products being developed? Smart TVs, smartphones and other devices such as refrigerators and microwave ovens.

How many subsidiaries do they have, and what do those companies do? There are 25 companies that make up Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd (SEC). They include OLED displays, memory chipsets and semiconductors used in mobile phones; medical equipment like scanners; home appliances including washing machines; computer monitors (CRTs) manufactured by Samsung Display Co., Ltd.; digital cameras designed by Canon Inc.; televisions made by KTL Industries Corp.; air conditioners produced by Daewoo Electronics Co.; heating systems produced by LG Chemicals Corp.; vacuum cleaners manufactured by Panasonic Corporation of North America; gas stoves made by LG Electronics USA Inc., etc…


 Give a brief overview of the company – Who are they? What are the main products?


To write a blog post, you will need to know how to use an outline, draft a headline and summary, write a brief overview of the company and its products, and provide information about the news story (what’s new).

 Give a brief overview of the company – Who are they? What are the main products?

Give a brief overview of the company.

Who are they?

What are the main products?

What is the main news story that you will cover in your blog post?

What is the main news story that you will cover in your blog post?

What is the main news story that you will cover in your blog post?

In a friendly tone

 Write a headline and a summary

A good headline is catchy, relevant and informative. A great headline will grab the reader’s attention immediately, making them want to read more about what you have written. The summary should be a brief overview of the article so that it doesn’t take up too much space or distract from what you want your readers to learn about in detail. It should also be interesting and informative – there’s no point having an engaging piece if nobody reads it! Lastly, keep it short and sweet (this means avoiding long sentences).

Give some key information about the product or services offered by the company.

Give some key information about the product or services offered by the company.

Describe the product or service.

Describe the company.

Describe their history, mission statement and culture (if any).

What is the news story that you will cover in this blog post?

You have been asked to cover the news story of “The company is launching a new product”. Your task is to write an article that can be published on your blog or website. In this blog post, I will give you some tips and guidance for writing about products or services offered by companies.

 Draft a headline and a summary.

The main news story that you will cover in your blog post is: Who are they? What are the main products/services offered by this company? What is the news story that you will cover in this blog post?

How to write a great blog post

The headline and summary of your blog post are the most important parts of it. They should be compelling, open-ended questions that can lead readers down a rabbit hole of discussion.

The headline should be one word or an adjective-noun construction (e.g., “A Simple Guide To…”) that grabs attention and makes people want to read more about what you have to say in your article.

The summary should be brief—usually less than 200 words—and include key information from the body text like:

Who is this article for? * What do they care about? * Why should they care?


Hopefully, this post has helped you understand how to write a blog post that will draw readers in and keep them reading. If you need more help with your blog posts, feel free to contact us!