Chat with us, powered by LiveChat Alamo Group Inc. (ALG) Report A. Research and then describe your company's primary business activities. Include: 1. Introduction 2. Conclusion ?? B. Include information from a variety of - Writingforyou

Alamo Group Inc. (ALG) Report A. Research and then describe your company's primary business activities. Include: 1. Introduction 2. Conclusion ?? B. Include information from a variety of

  Alamo Group Inc. (ALG) Report

A. Research and then describe your company’s primary business activities. Include:

1. Introduction

2. Conclusion


B. Include information from a variety of resources. For example: 

1. Consult Form 10-K filed with the SEC. 


C. Submit a written report that is 5-7 pages long. The report should be well written with a cover page, introduction, the body of the paper (with appropriate subheadings), conclusion, and reference page. References must be appropriately cited. Be sure to address all of the points in Section A above, using all of the resources listed in Section B. Format: Double-spaced, one-inch margins, using a 12-point Times New Roman font. 

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Alamo Group Inc. (ALG)





A. Research and then describe your company’s primary business activities. Include:


1. A brief historical summary,

2. A list of competitors,

3. The company’s position within the industry,

4. Recent developments within the company/industry,

5. Future direction, and

6. Other items of significance to your corporation.


B. Include information from a variety of resources. For example:


1. Consult the Form 10-K filed with the SEC.

2. Review the Annual Report and especially the Letter to Shareholders

3. Explore the corporate website.

4. Select at least two significant news items from recent business periodicals


C. Submit a written report that is 5-7 pages long. The report should be well written with cover page, introduction, body of paper (with appropriate subheadings), conclusion, and reference page. References must be appropriately cited. Be sure to address all of the points in Section A above, using all of the resources listed in Section B. Format: Double-spaced, one-inch margins, using a 12-point Times New Roman font.


A. Research and then describe your company’s primary business activities. Include:


Are you looking for a way to improve your business knowledge and skills? We’re here to help! This post will walk through the research process for finding out about a specific company, including gathering information on their stock price, revenue growth rate and other important financial data. You’ll also learn how you can use this information to inform your investment decisions.

The company name and an introduction to the company.

In this section, you will write about your company’s name, history and primary business activities. You should include:

The name of the company.

A brief introduction to the type of business you are in (i.e., software or consulting firm). If you do not have one already, consider creating an elevator pitch (see below) that summarizes what makes your company unique or different from other companies doing similar work.

% change in company’s stock price over the past year.

The company’s stock price has increased by 4.38% over the last year, and it’s closing at $82.08 as I write this.

The average closing price for any given month is $81.67 in your case, so you’re doing okay; but if you look at the average closing price over three years, your business appears to be doing even better! In fact, while your stock may have been volatile recently (see above), it hasn’t been anywhere near as volatile as some other companies in its industry—or even industry-wide!

3-year stock trend – increase, decrease or flat? Include a graph of the stock price over the last three years. Assume that each month represents a point on the graph with the average closing price for that month as the value for that point. (To calculate the average closing price for a given month, add up all of the daily prices and divide by the number of days during that given month. For example, if Apple’s stock price on January 1st this year is $100 and on January 31st it is $107, then your data point would be ($100 + $107) / 31 = $103). You will probably get a graph that looks like a wave but with consistency going in one direction! What is happening to your company’s stock price over time?

Now that you’ve collected some data from the date range of your stock chart, how do we calculate average closing prices?

Average Closing Price = Average Daily Stock Prices X Number of Days in a Month (or quarter)

For example: If Apple’s stock price on January 1st this year is $100 and on January 31st it is $107, then your data point would be ($100 + $107) / 31 = $103). You will probably get a graph that looks like a wave but with consistency going in one direction! What is happening to your company’s stock price over time?

The company’s revenue growth rate over the past two years

The company’s revenue growth rate over the past two years is:

The percentage change in revenue over a given period (typically a year). It is expressed as a percentage, and it is calculated by dividing the difference between the end and beginning revenue by the beginning revenue. Here’s an example of how you might calculate this figure:

Ending Revenues: $100 million – Beginning Revenues: $50 million = Growth Rate

Growth Rates Over Past Two Years

Revenue Growth Rate = ((Ending Revenue)/Beginning Revenue) ÷ Beginning Revenue

Any other interesting information you find while researching.

When you’re researching your company’s primary business activities, don’t just write facts and figures. Instead, tell us why these numbers matter to you!

What is the impact of each activity on the company?

How much money does it make each year?

Don’t just write facts and figures – instead, tell us why these numbers matter to you!

When writing your business plan, it is important to remember that you are not writing a report on how well you did something. You are trying to sell yourself and your company as a whole. It is essential that each section has a specific purpose, so that the reader understands what they should find in one particular section and why it’s important for them to read.

For example:

If you’re writing about marketing strategies, don’t just write facts about how many people were reached by different methods (like television ads). Instead, explain why these numbers matter for your business model and how they’ll affect future plans. For example: “Our advertising campaigns are successful because they target consumers at specific age groups while also targeting women with children under five years old.”


At the end of the day, you should have a clear picture of your company’s business model and how it works. This will help you make decisions about where to grow, what products or services to offer, how much money they should be worth and so on.


A. Research and then describe your company’s primary business activities. Include:


In this report, you will be asked to describe your company’s primary business activities. This includes a detailed list of the major activities and responsibilities of your company; the number of employees and the type of work they perform; the products and services your company provides to customers, such as hardware, software, services and consulting; strategy related to your company’s products and services. State how your company’s strategy is different from other competitors in the industry; a description of your company’s products or services, if applicable. Include which ones are the most popular with customers, and why

a detailed list of the major activities and responsibilities of your company;

A detailed list of the major activities and responsibilities of your company.

Include the number of employees and the type of work they perform.

The products and services your company provides to customers, such as hardware, software, services and consulting.

the number of employees and the type of work they perform;

Number of employees:

How many people are currently employed by your company?


What are the primary roles of these employees, and how many different people fill each role?

Work performed:

What type of work do you do day-to-day, week to week, month to month?

Size of company: How much money do you make from operations (wages + taxes)?

the products and services your company provides to customers, such as hardware, software, services and consulting;

Your company’s primary business activities are the products and services it provides to customers. The most popular products and services will help you gain credibility with your audience, so choose those that best fit your target audience.

For example:

Hardware – Computers, smartphones, tablets, etc…

Software – Web applications (e-commerce), software as a service (SaaS) and cloud computing platforms like Amazon Web Services (AWS).

Services – Consulting services for government agencies or large enterprises like Google or Facebook; technology solutions such as cybersecurity solutions; product management services such as creating new devices or improving existing ones through software updates etc..

strategy related to your company’s products and services. State how your company’s strategy is different from other competitors in the industry;

Your company’s strategy should be different from others. If a competitor has a similar product or service, you should offer something unique or different that sets your business apart from them.

For example, if you’re in the software industry and want to compete with Apple Inc., you could try to make a better laptop than theirs (which is already great). Or maybe instead of going after another computer company like Lenovo Group Ltd., which makes cheap laptops but not much else worth buying on its own merits (like smartphones), maybe it would make sense for your company just focusing exclusively on making laptops that are better than anything else out there at any price point—so long as they weren’t too expensive!

a description of your company’s products or services, if applicable. Include which ones are the most popular with customers, and why;

You should also include a description of your company’s products or services, if applicable. Include which ones are the most popular with customers, and why; this will help establish trust with potential customers.

After reading this report, the reader should be able to identify what type of industry you are in and what type of work your company performs.

After reading this report, the reader should be able to identify what type of industry you are in and what type of work your company performs.

The following is a list of questions that will help you determine if your business is a service or manufacturing company:

Do you sell products directly to consumers?

Are all parts made by hand or machine, not purchased from another manufacturer and assembled into finished goods?

Does the majority of your sales come from repeat customers (e.g., repeat orders)?


In this report, we have covered the key elements that make up a business plan. We hope you’ve learned something new and been inspired by some of these examples. Now it’s time to put your own ideas into action!